[webkit-dev] Re: Moving away from qmake

Alp Toker alp at atoker.com
Fri Nov 16 15:35:23 PST 2007

Steve Atkins wrote:
> IIRC, the two issues were that qmake is time-consuming to build and
> that the existing .pro files were not handling dependencies correctly.
> Is the latter the only issue now, or were there other problems?

This probably reduces the urgency for change. I think we need to wait a 
week or two to see if new developers have more success with the updated 
build instructions on the wiki.

I've seen some commits on the Trolltech git tree starting to clean up 
the qmake build files. If the dependency tracking issues are solved, 
someone explains/removes the redundant duplication in the build files, 
and if new developers start having better luck with the standalone 
qmake4 package, it might be an option to stick with qmake for longer.

If we get that far, it would be easy to achieve a near-ideal build 
system for the GTK+ port using autoconf for configuration and qmake for 
the rest of the job and avoiding automake, so we don't have to duplicate 
the lists of sources but still get a flexible and well-understood 
configuration system. git itself is one example of a software project 
that uses autoconf but not automake.

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