[webkit-dev] Augmenting WebKit contextual menus for non-plugin content

Maciej Stachowiak mjs at apple.com
Fri May 25 16:30:07 PDT 2007

On May 25, 2007, at 4:18 PM, David Hyatt wrote:

> Augmenting contextual menus really has nothing to do with plug-ins,  
> so I'm not sure how the conversation ended up at plug-ins.  :)    
> Changing context menus is getting more into the realm of extensions.

Yeah, I don't get how it got there either. If you want to change  
context menus, then in a custom WebKit app, you can use the UI  
delegate: webView:contextMenuItemsForElement:defaultMenuItems:

If you want to do it from web content, I think your only option right  
now is to handle the "contextmenu" event and pop up a custom menu by  

In the future, HTML is going to get better support for customizing  
context menus from web content. Here's the current HTML5 draft:  
<http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#context>. If you  
need a feature like this sooner rather than later, contact the  
appropriate WWDR representative.


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