[webkit-dev] Lost: Building webkit: Build finished, but starting Safari only gives an error window

Paul Bakker pgbakker at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 02:21:47 PDT 2007

Indeed, I'm not getting the message WebKit was built.


Regarding Steps 1 and 2 that you propose: I have been trough them multiple
times now, but that hasn't resulted in a proper built yet.


Any place specific to look for possible errors? Isn't there some sort of
error log somewhere?


Regarding the "paths for the platform SDK": I opened up VS - Tools - Options
dialog, went to "Projects and Solutions" - "VC++ Directories" and added the

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Bin" to
Executable Files

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003
R2\Include\mfc" to Include Files

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Include"
to Include Files

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Lib" to
Library Files.


Is that correct?







From: Oliver Hunt [mailto:ojh16 at student.canterbury.ac.nz] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 10:50 AM
To: Paul Bakker
Cc: 'Maxime Britto'; webkit-dev at lists.webkit.org
Subject: Re: [webkit-dev] Lost: Building webkit: Build finished, but
starting Safari only gives an error window


If your build was successful (which i'm guessing it wasn't :(), you should
see something akin to the following when the build completes:


 WebKit is now built. To run Safari with this newly-built

 code, use the "WebKit/OpenSource/WebKitTools/Scripts/run-safari" script.


 NOTE: WebKit has been built with SVG support enabled.

 Safari will have SVG viewing capabilities.



If you haven't seen this your build hasn't completed successfully, so there
are a couple of things you should do.


1) Go through all of the many steps to set up a windows build environment on
webkit.org, and go through each setting and ensure it's correct.  There's at
least one setting (paths for the platform SDK) that VS seems to forget about
on its own, without human interference.


2) update-webkit -- it's possible you were unlucky enough to pull at a point
when the windows build had been broken by someone on another port (which
does happen from time to time :( )


3) If you're still having problems, join #webkit on freenode, you'll find
plenty of people who will happily help you out :D




On 18/07/2007, at 1:21 AM, Paul Bakker wrote:

I tried all 4 combinations:

- Build with debug, run with debug

- Build with debug, run without debug

- Build without debug, run without debug

- Build without debug, run with debug


No luck unfortunately.


What bothers me: I'm not getting any error messages in the Cygwin console.
It just jump back to the prompt after a long while. I can see that files
have been generated in the WebKitBuild directory, but if it's complete, who





From: Maxime Britto [mailto:mbritto at pleyo.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 10:13 AM
To: Paul Bakker
Subject: Re: [webkit-dev] Lost: Building webkit: Build finished, but
starting Safari only gives an error window




-          WebKit/WebKitTools/Scripts/build-webkit (also tried with the
debug option in)

-          WebKit/WebKitTools/Scripts/run-safari



I'm not a Windows user but on OS X you have to use the --debug option on
BOTH build-webkit and run-safari scripts. Like this : 


-           WebKit/WebKitTools/Scripts/build-webkit --debug


-           WebKit/WebKitTools/Scripts/run-safari --debug








a question for you : www.pleyo.com 


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