[webkit-dev] Products using WebKit

Joost 'AlthA' de Valk webkit-dev at joostdevalk.nl
Mon Nov 6 08:49:46 PST 2006

Hi Maciej,

CSSEdit2, by Jan van Boghout, uses WebKit, and is quite cool: http:// 


On Nov 6, 2006, at 2:10 AM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> These days a lot of people are announcing all sorts of interesting  
> products based on WebKit, whether the stock version of the  
> framework on the mac, customized copies, or brand new ports. I like  
> to announce the more interesting ones on the WebKit development  
> blog, but I don't always hear about them in time. So if you have an  
> interesting new WebKit-based product, or even just a particularly  
> interesting new version of an existing product, please let me or  
> any of the other blog posters know.
> Regards,
> Maciej
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Joost 'AlthA' de Valk
jdevalk at webkit.org

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