[webkit-dev] programmatic text selection

Giacomo Luca Maioli luca at tricheco.net
Fri May 26 13:40:58 PDT 2006

> On 5/26/06, Giacomo Luca Maioli <luca at tricheco.net> wrote:
>>  >> But Safari throws an error while processing the last method (the
>> one which actually highlight text), so you should try:
>>  >> window.getSelection().setBaseAndExtent(selDiv, 0, selDiv, 1);
>> So you'll only need to play around with this (strange and mostly
>> unknown) method.
> I'm afraid Safari doesn't appear to support setBaseAndExtent() method
> on a selection, either.

I just tested the code on both Firefox and Safari. You can find a  
working example here:


I'm using Safari Version 2.0.3 (417.9.3) and Firefox on Mac  
and Windows.

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