[webkit-dev] Maybe bug in RenderTheme.h

Mike Emmel mike.emmel at gmail.com
Mon Mar 27 09:13:13 PST 2006

Close I now realize what the problem is.
Its ObjC++ support

The ObjC++ support excepts a superset of both languages and not
surpringly its letting
incorrect C++ through.

So the fix is probably to only compile the files that must be compiled
with ObjC++ and to report the other bugs to the compiler team. ObjC++
is experimental and its not clear to me  that it makes sense to ensure
it is still a perfect C++ compile or even if its possible.

I can understand a lot more of the bugs I'm seeing now but I hope the
project considers limiting the number of files compiled with  ObjC++


On 3/27/06, Timothy Hatcher <timothy at hatcher.name> wrote:
> I believe Apple's GCC is a branch that is occasionally synced up with the
> the main line. So this might be fixed in the Linux release but not in the
> Mac release until there is another sync up or Apple fixes it specifically.
> Using stock GCC is not an option (for the Mac) since we need support for
> Apple's Objective-C and other Mac specific GCC features/quarks. You might
> run into many slight differences, some intentional and some not-so-much.
> — Timothy Hatcher
> On Mar 27, 2006, at 8:28 AM, Mike Emmel wrote:
> Not a problem I'm still trying to discover the differences between gcc
> on the mac and the stock gnu one used by linux.
> So the question was more why does gcc on the mac accept this if its
> really a bug.
> There seem to be significant differences between the c++ support on
> the mac and that on linux.  I still don't quite understand why, my
> opion right now is there are a number of compiler bugs in the mac port
> of gcc but delving into the c++ parser to report bugs is not something
> I'm intrested in. If I'm right then maybe its better to consider using
> a stock gcc
> for webkit.
> Mike
> On 3/27/06, Timothy Hatcher <timothy at hatcher.name> wrote:
> Please file a new bugzilla bug for these fixes—that is the correct process
> for submitting patches (big or small). There is more information about this
> on the WebKit site, if it wasn't down at the moment...
> http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=WebKit
> — Timothy Hatcher
> On Mar 27, 2006, at 8:05 AM, Mike Emmel wrote:
> I had to add the following patch to RenderTheme.h  but I'm not sure its a
> bug.
> Why does it compile on the Mac ?
> Index: RenderTheme.h
> ===================================================================
> --- RenderTheme.h       (revision 13479)
> +++ RenderTheme.h       (working copy)
> @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
>  namespace WebCore {
>  class Element;
> +class CSSStyleSelector;
>  };
>  namespace WebCore {
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