[webkit-dev] SupportImage[Resource]MIMEType

Rudi Sherry rsherry at adobe.com
Thu Jul 13 09:05:50 PDT 2006

Thanks, I'll do that.

Just so I know for the future, are you saying that you agree this  
specific behavior is a bug and that's why I should file it, or are  
you saying that the recommended action is to file a bug for any  
behavior I feel is wrong or want changed -- whether or not others  
agree it's a bug?  Your (mis) in parentheses is very nicely ambiguous ;)


On Jul 12, 2006, at 8:54 PM, David D. Kilzer wrote:

> I would suggest filing two bugs:  one for the <object> tag (mis) 
> behavior, and a second for the WebKitOmitPDFSupport not omitting  
> support for embedded objects.
>     http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/
> Dave
> On Jul 12, 2006, at 7:41 PM, Rudi Sherry wrote:
>> I'm looking into a problem where embedded PDFs don't invoke a  
>> WebKit plugin.
>> I found that
>>    <object data="url-to-pdf" ... >
>> with a "type" property works fine (invokes the PDF plugin), but
>>    <object data="url-to-pdf" type="application/pdf" ... >
>> simply shows the first page of the PDF in the embedding location  
>> as an image.
>> I tracked it down to the fact that HTMLObjectEelement::isImageType 
>> () is returning 'true' for "application/pdf"; this happens because  
>> Image::supportsType() looks at all the types that could be an  
>> image.  Since it returns TRUE, this becomes a CachedImage and it  
>> never goes out to WebKit to check if any plug-ins support this type.
>> Image::supportsType() calls +[WebCoreFrameBridge  
>> supportedImageResourceMIMETypes] to get the list.  There is also + 
>> [WebCoreFrameBridge supportedImageMIMETypes], which is the same  
>> list except specifically excluding the hard-coded strings  
>> "application/pdf" and "application/postscript".
>> Does anyone know why are there two different methods for returning  
>> the image mime types -- whose only difference are the pdf/ 
>> postscript types?  Neither are called from within WebCore itself.
>> Another tantalizing tidbit is that there is a hidden preference  
>> "WebKitOmitPDFSupport", used by WebKit (but not WebCore), that  
>> will remove some built-in PDF support from numerous places... but  
>> not, unfortunately, from embedded objects as they're being parsed.
>> Does anyone on this list know more about the history or design of  
>> all this?
>> Thanks,
>> Rudi

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