[webkit-changes] cvs commit: WebCore/khtml/xml xml_tokenizer.cpp
darin at opensource.apple.com
Thu Dec 15 22:33:37 PST 2005
darin 05/12/15 22:33:37
Modified: . ChangeLog
khtml/xml xml_tokenizer.cpp
Reviewed by Eric.
- fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6092
REGRESSION: dom/xhtml/level2/html//HTMLInputElement01.xhtml crashes
* khtml/xml/xml_tokenizer.cpp:
(khtml::XMLTokenizer::XMLTokenizer): Initialize the new m_currentNodeIsReferenced
field to false for the document case, and true for the non-0 fragment case. Also
don't reference the document in the document tokenizer case to avoid a circular
reference -- HTML parser already does both of these things.
(khtml::XMLTokenizer::~XMLTokenizer): Call setCurrentNode(0) to release the current
node in case the tokenizer is being destroyed without finishing parsing. Only call
deref on the document inthe fragment-parsing case.
(khtml::XMLTokenizer::setCurrentNode): Added. Reference the current node only if
it's not the document. Just as with the HTML parser, use a boolean to track whether
the current node needs a deref or not.
(khtml::XMLTokenizer::startElementNs): Use a RefPtr to keep the newly created element
alive at least until setCurrentNode is called. Remove the bogus explicit delete of
of the node after calling addChild, since reference counting takes care of it.
Stop parsing if we fail to create an element.
(khtml::XMLTokenizer::endElementNs): Use setCurrentNode and use a local variable
to avoid reference count thrash.
(khtml::XMLTokenizer::characters): Changed to only support text nodes. CDATA no
longer calls this function.
(khtml::XMLTokenizer::enterText): Use setCurrentNode, and remove bogus delete call.
(khtml::XMLTokenizer::exitText): Add checks for stopped parser and for whether
the current node is a text node so this can be called unconditionally.
(khtml::XMLTokenizer::cdataBlock): Use setCurrentNode and move the call before the
call to attach to make sure the node is already ref'd when attach is called.
(khtml::XMLTokenizer::finish): Call setCurrentNode(0) to release the nodes we've
been parsing.
(khtml::XMLTokenizer::executeScripts): Fixed incorrect cast to TextImpl to cast to
the base class CharacterDataImpl instead.
Revision Changes Path
1.541 +36 -0 WebCore/ChangeLog
Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.540
retrieving revision 1.541
diff -u -r1.540 -r1.541
--- ChangeLog 16 Dec 2005 02:30:01 -0000 1.540
+++ ChangeLog 16 Dec 2005 06:33:32 -0000 1.541
@@ -1,3 +1,39 @@
+2005-12-15 Darin Adler <darin at apple.com>
+ Reviewed by Eric.
+ - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6092
+ REGRESSION: dom/xhtml/level2/html//HTMLInputElement01.xhtml crashes
+ * khtml/xml/xml_tokenizer.cpp:
+ (khtml::XMLTokenizer::XMLTokenizer): Initialize the new m_currentNodeIsReferenced
+ field to false for the document case, and true for the non-0 fragment case. Also
+ don't reference the document in the document tokenizer case to avoid a circular
+ reference -- HTML parser already does both of these things.
+ (khtml::XMLTokenizer::~XMLTokenizer): Call setCurrentNode(0) to release the current
+ node in case the tokenizer is being destroyed without finishing parsing. Only call
+ deref on the document inthe fragment-parsing case.
+ (khtml::XMLTokenizer::setCurrentNode): Added. Reference the current node only if
+ it's not the document. Just as with the HTML parser, use a boolean to track whether
+ the current node needs a deref or not.
+ (khtml::XMLTokenizer::startElementNs): Use a RefPtr to keep the newly created element
+ alive at least until setCurrentNode is called. Remove the bogus explicit delete of
+ of the node after calling addChild, since reference counting takes care of it.
+ Stop parsing if we fail to create an element.
+ (khtml::XMLTokenizer::endElementNs): Use setCurrentNode and use a local variable
+ to avoid reference count thrash.
+ (khtml::XMLTokenizer::characters): Changed to only support text nodes. CDATA no
+ longer calls this function.
+ (khtml::XMLTokenizer::enterText): Use setCurrentNode, and remove bogus delete call.
+ (khtml::XMLTokenizer::exitText): Add checks for stopped parser and for whether
+ the current node is a text node so this can be called unconditionally.
+ (khtml::XMLTokenizer::cdataBlock): Use setCurrentNode and move the call before the
+ call to attach to make sure the node is already ref'd when attach is called.
+ (khtml::XMLTokenizer::finish): Call setCurrentNode(0) to release the nodes we've
+ been parsing.
+ (khtml::XMLTokenizer::executeScripts): Fixed incorrect cast to TextImpl to cast to
+ the base class CharacterDataImpl instead.
2005-12-15 Eric Seidel <eseidel at apple.com>
Reviewed by Tim Hatcher.
1.58 +101 -87 WebCore/khtml/xml/xml_tokenizer.cpp
Index: xml_tokenizer.cpp
RCS file: /cvs/root/WebCore/khtml/xml/xml_tokenizer.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.57
retrieving revision 1.58
diff -u -r1.57 -r1.58
--- xml_tokenizer.cpp 15 Dec 2005 22:31:49 -0000 1.57
+++ xml_tokenizer.cpp 16 Dec 2005 06:33:36 -0000 1.58
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "xml_tokenizer.h"
#include "xml/dom_docimpl.h"
#include "xml/dom_elementimpl.h"
#include "xml/dom_textimpl.h"
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@
void internalSubset(const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *externalID, const xmlChar *systemID);
- void end();
+ void setCurrentNode(NodeImpl*);
int lineNumber() const;
int columnNumber() const;
@@ -120,6 +121,7 @@
xmlParserCtxtPtr m_context;
NodeImpl *m_currentNode;
+ bool m_currentNodeIsReferenced;
bool m_sawError;
bool m_sawXSLTransform;
@@ -168,12 +170,12 @@
static bool didInit = false;
if (!didInit) {
- xmlRegisterInputCallbacks(matchFunc, openFunc, readFunc, NULL);
- xmlRegisterOutputCallbacks(matchFunc, openFunc, writeFunc, NULL);
+ xmlRegisterInputCallbacks(matchFunc, openFunc, readFunc, 0);
+ xmlRegisterOutputCallbacks(matchFunc, openFunc, writeFunc, 0);
didInit = true;
- xmlParserCtxtPtr parser = xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(handlers, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL);
+ xmlParserCtxtPtr parser = xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(handlers, 0, 0, 0, 0);
parser->_private = userData;
parser->replaceEntities = true;
const QChar BOM(0xFEFF);
@@ -193,20 +195,20 @@
XMLTokenizer::XMLTokenizer(DocumentImpl *_doc, KHTMLView *_view)
: m_doc(_doc), m_view(_view),
- m_context(NULL), m_currentNode(m_doc),
+ m_context(0), m_currentNode(_doc), m_currentNodeIsReferenced(false),
m_sawError(false), m_errorCount(0),
m_lastErrorLine(0), m_scriptsIt(0), m_cachedScript(0), m_parsingFragment(false)
- if (m_doc)
- m_doc->ref();
XMLTokenizer::XMLTokenizer(DocumentFragmentImpl *fragment, ElementImpl *parentElement)
: m_doc(fragment->getDocument()), m_view(0),
- m_context(0), m_currentNode(fragment),
+ m_context(0), m_currentNode(fragment), m_currentNodeIsReferenced(fragment),
m_sawError(false), m_errorCount(0),
m_lastErrorLine(0), m_scriptsIt(0), m_cachedScript(0), m_parsingFragment(true)
+ if (fragment)
+ fragment->ref();
if (m_doc)
@@ -235,13 +237,25 @@
- if (m_doc)
+ setCurrentNode(0);
+ if (m_parsingFragment && m_doc)
delete m_scriptsIt;
if (m_cachedScript)
+void XMLTokenizer::setCurrentNode(NodeImpl* n)
+ bool nodeNeedsReference = n && n != m_doc;
+ if (nodeNeedsReference)
+ n->ref();
+ if (m_currentNodeIsReferenced)
+ m_currentNode->deref();
+ m_currentNode = n;
+ m_currentNodeIsReferenced = nodeNeedsReference;
bool XMLTokenizer::write(const TokenizerString &s, bool /*appendData*/ )
m_xmlCode += s.toString();
@@ -313,10 +327,9 @@
if (m_parserStopped)
- if (m_currentNode->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE)
- exitText();
+ exitText();
DOMString localName = toQString(xmlLocalName);
DOMString uri = toQString(xmlURI);
DOMString prefix = toQString(xmlPrefix);
@@ -330,17 +343,23 @@
int exceptioncode = 0;
- ElementImpl *newElement = m_doc->createElementNS(uri, qName, exceptioncode);
- if (!newElement)
+ RefPtr<ElementImpl> newElement = m_doc->createElementNS(uri, qName, exceptioncode);
+ if (!newElement) {
+ stopParsing();
+ }
- handleElementNamespaces(newElement, libxmlNamespaces, nb_namespaces, exceptioncode);
- if (exceptioncode)
+ handleElementNamespaces(newElement.get(), libxmlNamespaces, nb_namespaces, exceptioncode);
+ if (exceptioncode) {
+ stopParsing();
+ }
- handleElementAttributes(newElement, libxmlAttributes, nb_attributes, exceptioncode);
- if (exceptioncode)
+ handleElementAttributes(newElement.get(), libxmlAttributes, nb_attributes, exceptioncode);
+ if (exceptioncode) {
+ stopParsing();
+ }
// FIXME: This hack ensures implicit table bodies get constructed in XHTML and XML files.
// We want to consolidate this with the HTML parser and HTML DOM code at some point.
@@ -348,25 +367,25 @@
if (m_currentNode->hasTagName(tableTag) &&
newElement->hasTagName(trTag) &&
m_currentNode->isHTMLElement() && newElement->isHTMLElement()) {
- NodeImpl* implicitTBody =
+ RefPtr<NodeImpl> implicitTBody =
new HTMLTableSectionElementImpl(tbodyTag, m_doc, true /* implicit */);
- m_currentNode->addChild(implicitTBody);
+ m_currentNode->addChild(implicitTBody.get());
+ setCurrentNode(implicitTBody.get());
if (m_view && !implicitTBody->attached())
- m_currentNode = implicitTBody;
if (newElement->hasTagName(scriptTag))
- static_cast<HTMLScriptElementImpl *>(newElement)->setCreatedByParser(true);
+ static_cast<HTMLScriptElementImpl *>(newElement.get())->setCreatedByParser(true);
- if (!m_currentNode->addChild(newElement)) {
- delete newElement;
+ if (!m_currentNode->addChild(newElement.get())) {
+ stopParsing();
+ setCurrentNode(newElement.get());
if (m_view && !newElement->attached())
- newElement->attach();
- m_currentNode = newElement;
+ newElement->attach();
void XMLTokenizer::endElementNs()
@@ -374,12 +393,14 @@
if (m_parserStopped)
- if (m_currentNode->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE)
- exitText();
- while (m_currentNode->implicitNode())
- m_currentNode = m_currentNode->parentNode();
- m_currentNode->closeRenderer();
- m_currentNode = m_currentNode->parentNode();
+ exitText();
+ NodeImpl *n = m_currentNode;
+ while (n->implicitNode())
+ n = n->parentNode();
+ RefPtr<NodeImpl> parent = n->parentNode();
+ n->closeRenderer();
+ setCurrentNode(parent.get());
void XMLTokenizer::characters(const xmlChar *s, int len)
@@ -387,10 +408,7 @@
if (m_parserStopped)
- if (m_currentNode->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE ||
- m_currentNode->nodeType() == Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE ||
- enterText()) {
+ if (m_currentNode->isTextNode() || enterText()) {
int exceptioncode = 0;
static_cast<TextImpl*>(m_currentNode)->appendData(toQString(s, len), exceptioncode);
@@ -398,25 +416,28 @@
bool XMLTokenizer::enterText()
- NodeImpl *newNode = m_doc->createTextNode("");
- if (m_currentNode->addChild(newNode)) {
- m_currentNode = newNode;
- return true;
- }
- else {
- delete newNode;
+ RefPtr<NodeImpl> newNode = new TextImpl(m_doc, "");
+ if (!m_currentNode->addChild(newNode.get()))
return false;
- }
+ setCurrentNode(newNode.get());
+ return true;
void XMLTokenizer::exitText()
+ if (m_parserStopped)
+ return;
+ if (!m_currentNode->isTextNode())
+ return;
if (m_view && m_currentNode && !m_currentNode->attached())
- NodeImpl* par = m_currentNode->parentNode();
- if (par != 0)
- m_currentNode = par;
+ // FIXME: What's the right thing to do if the parent is really 0?
+ // Just leaving the current node set to the text node doesn't make much sense.
+ if (NodeImpl* par = m_currentNode->parentNode())
+ setCurrentNode(par);
void XMLTokenizer::error(ErrorType type, const char *message, va_list args)
@@ -459,22 +480,23 @@
if (m_parserStopped)
- if (m_currentNode->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE)
- exitText();
+ exitText();
// ### handle exceptions
int exception = 0;
- ProcessingInstructionImpl *pi = m_doc->createProcessingInstruction(
- toQString(target),
- toQString(data),
- exception);
+ RefPtr<ProcessingInstructionImpl> pi = m_doc->createProcessingInstruction(
+ toQString(target), toQString(data), exception);
if (exception)
- m_currentNode->addChild(pi);
+ if (!m_currentNode->addChild(pi.get()))
+ return;
+ if (m_view && !pi->attached())
+ pi->attach();
// don't load stylesheets for standalone documents
if (m_doc->part()) {
- m_sawXSLTransform = !pi->checkStyleSheet();
+ m_sawXSLTransform = !pi->checkStyleSheet();
// Pretend we didn't see this PI if we're the result of a transform.
if (m_sawXSLTransform && !m_doc->transformSourceDocument())
@@ -491,36 +513,26 @@
if (m_parserStopped)
- if (m_currentNode->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE)
- exitText();
+ exitText();
- int ignoreException = 0;
- NodeImpl *newNode = m_doc->createCDATASection("", ignoreException);
- if (m_currentNode->addChild(newNode)) {
- if (m_view && !newNode->attached())
- newNode->attach();
- m_currentNode = newNode;
- }
- else {
- delete newNode;
+ RefPtr<NodeImpl> newNode = new CDATASectionImpl(m_doc, toQString(s, len));
+ if (!m_currentNode->addChild(newNode.get()))
- }
- characters(s, len);
- if (m_currentNode->parentNode() != 0)
- m_currentNode = m_currentNode->parentNode();
+ if (m_view && !newNode->attached())
+ newNode->attach();
void XMLTokenizer::comment(const xmlChar *s)
if (m_parserStopped)
- if (m_currentNode->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE)
- exitText();
- // ### handle exceptions
- m_currentNode->addChild(m_doc->createComment(toQString(s)));
+ exitText();
+ RefPtr<NodeImpl> newNode = new CommentImpl(m_doc, toQString(s));
+ m_currentNode->addChild(newNode.get());
+ if (m_view && !newNode->attached())
+ newNode->attach();
void XMLTokenizer::internalSubset(const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *externalID, const xmlChar *systemID)
@@ -620,7 +632,8 @@
void XMLTokenizer::finish()
if (m_xmlCode.isEmpty())
- return;
+ return;
xmlSAXHandler sax;
memset(&sax, 0, sizeof(sax));
sax.error = normalErrorHandler;
@@ -646,18 +659,20 @@
if (m_context->myDoc)
- m_context = NULL;
+ m_context = 0;
if (m_sawError) {
} else {
// Parsing was successful. Now locate all html <script> tags in the document and execute them
// one by one.
+ exitText();
m_scriptsIt = new QPtrListIterator<ElementImpl>(m_scripts);
+ setCurrentNode(0);
emit finishedParsing();
@@ -758,19 +773,18 @@
QString charset = scriptElement->getAttribute(charsetAttr).qstring();
- // don't load external scripts for standalone documents (for now)
+ // don't load external scripts for standalone documents (for now)
if (!scriptHref.isEmpty() && m_doc->part()) {
// we have a src attribute
m_cachedScript = m_doc->docLoader()->requestScript(scriptHref, charset);
m_cachedScript->ref(this); // will call executeScripts() again if already cached
- }
- else {
+ } else {
// no src attribute - execute from contents of tag
QString scriptCode = "";
for (NodeImpl *child = scriptElement->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
- if (child->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE || child->nodeType() == Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
- scriptCode += static_cast<TextImpl*>(child)->data().qstring();
+ if (child->isTextNode() || child->nodeType() == Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
+ scriptCode += static_cast<CharacterDataImpl*>(child)->data().qstring();
// the script cannot do document.write until we support incremental parsing
// ### handle the case where the script deletes the node or redirects to
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