[wpe-webkit] Hole punching and WeakRef support in WPE/WebKit v2.22

Michael Pantazoglou michael.pantazoglou at oceanbluesoftware.co.uk
Thu Sep 2 05:00:52 PDT 2021

Hi all,

I am currently working on an application that uses WPE/WebKit v2.22 and was
wondering, if that older version has support for the following two features:

* WeakRef
I tried to check if WeakRef is available to the JS runtime using remote
debugging tools console, but it seems it is not. Still, I was able to find
some code that is related to the WeakRef implementation:


* Hole Punching
All I found is the following blog post which mentions the hole punching
feature is made available in WPE/WebKit v2.24 and above.

Are those two features supported in v2.22?

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