[wpe-webkit] Packaging For Fedora

Adrian Perez de Castro aperez at igalia.com
Sun Jul 15 06:38:58 PDT 2018

Hello Chris,

On Fri, 13 Jul 2018 15:17:30 -0400, BunnyApocalypse <bunnyapocalypse at protonmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, I am Chris, also known as bunnyapocalypse,
> Just letting you know that I plan to package WPE webkit in the Fedora repos.
> I currently have a request for the backend
> (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1601058), and will soon have a
> request submitted for the main project as well, which I will put a link to
> in the comments of the backend request once I do.

Nice, I hope you will manage to have WPE neatly packaged for Fedora. Currently
usability on desktop is limited and I expect that only WebKit's “MiniBrowser”
will work with stable packages. Currently the other well supported browser,
which is Cog [1], needs a Git build of WPEBackend-fdo.

On a related note, if you run into any trouble with the packaging, feel free
to send an e-mail here to the list and add me in CC: I have been packaging WPE
myself, and just this weekend I have pushed packages to the Arch Linux AUR.
Feel free to take a look for inspiration with packaging:

  - WPEBackend:

  - WPEBackend-fdo:

  - WPE WebKit:

  - Cog:

(For people using Arch Linux, installing “cog-git” will pull the needed
dependencies as well, probably it's the easiest wy right now of trying WPE.)

Best regards,


[1] https://github.com/Igalia/cog
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