[Webkit-unassigned] [Bug 198323] [WinCairo] ASSERTION FAILED: info.bmBitsPixel == 32 in createCairoContextWithHDC

bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org
Wed Jun 26 02:52:31 PDT 2019


--- Comment #6 from Fujii Hironori <Hironori.Fujii at sony.com> ---
By using LLint CLoop, I get the full callstack.

> WTF.dll!WTFCrash() Line 305	C++
> WebKit.dll!WTFCrashWithInfo(int __formal, const char * __formal, const char * __formal, int __formal) Line 569	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::createCairoContextWithHDC(HDC__ * hdc, bool hasAlpha) Line 54	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::GraphicsContext::platformInit(HDC__ * dc, bool hasAlpha) Line 79	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::GraphicsContext::GraphicsContext(HDC__ * dc, bool hasAlpha) Line 72	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebView::paintIntoBackingStore(WebCore::FrameView * frameView, HDC__ * bitmapDC, const WebCore::IntRect & dirtyRectPixels, WebView::WindowsToPaint windowsToPaint) Line 1425	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebView::updateBackingStore(WebCore::FrameView * frameView, HDC__ * dc, bool backingStoreCompletelyDirty, WebView::WindowsToPaint windowsToPaint) Line 1189	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebView::paint(HDC__ * dc, __int64 options) Line 1353	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebView::WebViewWndProc(HWND__ * hWnd, unsigned int message, unsigned __int64 wParam, __int64 lParam) Line 2586	C++
> [External Code]	
> DumpRenderTreeLib.dll!dump() Line 694	C++
> DumpRenderTreeLib.dll!TestRunner::notifyDone() Line 311	C++
> DumpRenderTreeLib.dll!notifyDoneCallback(const OpaqueJSContext * context, OpaqueJSValue * function, OpaqueJSValue * thisObject, unsigned __int64 argumentCount, const OpaqueJSValue * const * arguments, const OpaqueJSValue * * exception) Line 606	C++
> JavaScriptCore.dll!JSC::APICallbackFunction::call<JSC::JSCallbackFunction>(JSC::ExecState * exec) Line 63	C++
> JavaScriptCore.dll!JSC::NativeFunction::operator()(JSC::ExecState * exec) Line 50	C++
> JavaScriptCore.dll!JSC::LLInt::CLoop::execute(JSC::OpcodeID entryOpcodeID, void * executableAddress, JSC::VM * vm, JSC::ProtoCallFrame * protoCallFrame, bool isInitializationPass) Line 20746	C++
> JavaScriptCore.dll!vmEntryToJavaScript(void * executableAddress, JSC::VM * vm, JSC::ProtoCallFrame * protoCallFrame) Line 150	C++
> JavaScriptCore.dll!JSC::JITCode::execute(JSC::VM * vm, JSC::ProtoCallFrame * protoCallFrame) Line 38	C++
> JavaScriptCore.dll!JSC::Interpreter::executeCall(JSC::ExecState * callFrame, JSC::JSObject * function, JSC::CallType callType, const JSC::CallData & callData, JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList & args) Line 904	C++
> JavaScriptCore.dll!JSC::call(JSC::ExecState * exec, JSC::JSValue functionObject, JSC::CallType callType, const JSC::CallData & callData, JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList & args) Line 59	C++
> JavaScriptCore.dll!JSC::profiledCall(JSC::ExecState * exec, JSC::ProfilingReason reason, JSC::JSValue functionObject, JSC::CallType callType, const JSC::CallData & callData, JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList & args) Line 80	C++
> JavaScriptCore.dll!JSC::JSMicrotask::run(JSC::ExecState * exec) Line 90	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::JSExecState::runTask(JSC::ExecState * exec, JSC::Microtask & task) Line 93	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::JSMicrotaskCallback::call() Line 47	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::JSDOMWindowBase::queueTaskToEventLoop::__l2::<lambda>() Line 215	C++
> WebKit.dll!WTF::Detail::CallableWrapper<void <lambda>(void),void>::call() Line 52	C++
> WebKit.dll!WTF::Function<void __cdecl(void)>::operator()() Line 80	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::ActiveDOMCallbackMicrotask::run() Line 46	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::MicrotaskQueue::performMicrotaskCheckpoint() Line 98	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::JSExecState::didLeaveScriptContext(JSC::ExecState * exec) Line 43	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::JSExecState::~JSExecState() Line 146	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::JSExecState::profiledCall(JSC::ExecState * exec, JSC::ProfilingReason reason, JSC::JSValue functionObject, JSC::CallType callType, const JSC::CallData & callData, JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList & args, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception> & returnedException) Line 74	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::JSCallbackData::invokeCallback(WebCore::JSDOMGlobalObject & globalObject, JSC::JSObject * callback, JSC::JSValue thisValue, JSC::MarkedArgumentBuffer & args, WebCore::JSCallbackData::CallbackType method, JSC::PropertyName functionName, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception> & returnedException) Line 83	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::JSCallbackDataStrong::invokeCallback(JSC::JSValue thisValue, JSC::MarkedArgumentBuffer & args, WebCore::JSCallbackData::CallbackType callbackType, JSC::PropertyName functionName, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception> & returnedException) Line 89	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::JSRequestAnimationFrameCallback::handleEvent(double highResTime) Line 70	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::ScriptedAnimationController::serviceRequestAnimationFrameCallbacks(double timestamp) Line 217	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::Document::serviceRequestAnimationFrameCallbacks(double timestamp) Line 6190	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebCore::Page::updateRendering() Line 1303	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebView::updateBackingStore(WebCore::FrameView * frameView, HDC__ * dc, bool backingStoreCompletelyDirty, WebView::WindowsToPaint windowsToPaint) Line 1177	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebView::paint(HDC__ * dc, __int64 options) Line 1353	C++
> WebKit.dll!WebView::WebViewWndProc(HWND__ * hWnd, unsigned int message, unsigned __int64 wParam, __int64 lParam) Line 2586	C++
> [External Code]	
> DumpRenderTreeLib.dll!runTest(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > & inputLine) Line 1256	C++
> DumpRenderTreeLib.dll!main(int argc, const char * * argv) Line 1617	C++
> DumpRenderTreeLib.dll!dllLauncherEntryPoint(int argc, const char * * argv) Line 1653	C++
> DumpRenderTree.exe!main(int argc, const char * * argv) Line 230	C++
> [External Code]	

WebView::paint was called recursively.

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