[Webkit-unassigned] [Bug 186431] [GTK] Crash when calling JSEvaluateScript and a JS exception is thrown
bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org
bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org
Fri Jun 8 20:03:24 PDT 2018
--- Comment #3 from Michael Gratton <mike at vee.net> ---
Created attachment 342356
--> https://bugs.webkit.org/attachment.cgi?id=342356&action=review
Generated source
Attached is the source with the call to JSEvaluateScript with the exception param set null and debug symbols being debugged. I think Geary's use here is pretty non-controversial.
Thread 1 (Thread 0x7ffff7f94280 (LWP 676)):
#0 0x00007ffff6a92420 in WebCore::DOMWindow::document() const (this=this at entry=0x0) at ./Source/WebCore/page/DOMWindow.cpp:1477
#1 0x00007ffff6a99423 in WebCore::DOMWindow::crossDomainAccessErrorMessage(WebCore::DOMWindow const&) (this=0x0, activeWindow=...) at ./Source/WebCore/page/DOMWindow.cpp:2181
message = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}
activeURL = {m_string = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x1}}, m_isValid = true, m_protocolIsInHTTPFamily = true, m_cannotBeABaseURL = true, m_schemeEnd = 32767, m_userStart = 4294948783, m_userEnd = 32767, m_passwordEnd = 0, m_hostEnd = 0, m_portEnd = 0, m_pathAfterLastSlash = 0, m_pathEnd = 871360, m_queryEnd = 32736}
targetURL = {m_string = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x5b00000000}}, m_isValid = true, m_protocolIsInHTTPFamily = true, m_cannotBeABaseURL = true, m_schemeEnd = 0, m_userStart = 0, m_userEnd = 0, m_passwordEnd = 4069211918, m_hostEnd = 32767, m_portEnd = 8, m_pathAfterLastSlash = 0, m_pathEnd = 16, m_queryEnd = 0}
#2 0x00007ffff6506234 in WebCore::canAccessDocument (reportingOption=<optimised out>, targetDocument=0x7fff8daf5d00, state=0x7fffffffba90) at ./Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSDOMBindingSecurity.cpp:59
scope = {<JSC::ExceptionScope> = {m_vm = @0x7fff8dc00000}, <No data fields>}
active = Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
@0x7fffe018f000: {<WTF::RefCounted<WebCore::DOMWindow>> = {<WTF::RefCountedBase> = {m_refCount = 2}, <No data fields>}, <WebCore::EventTargetWithInlineData> = {<WebCore::EventTarget> = {<WebCore::ScriptWrappable> = {m_wrapper = {m_impl = 0x0}}, _vptr.EventTarget = 0x7ffff7d05e68 <vtable for WebCore::DOMWindow+16>}, m_eventTargetData = {eventListenerMap = {m_entries = {<WTF::VectorBuffer<std::pair<WTF::AtomicString, std::unique_ptr<WTF::Vector<WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::RegisteredEventListener, WTF::DumbPtrTraits<WebCore::RegisteredEventListener> >, 1, WTF::CrashOnOverflow, 16, WTF::FastMalloc>, std::default_delete<WTF::Vector<WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::RegisteredEventListener, WTF::DumbPtrTraits<WebCore::RegisteredEventListener> >, 1, WTF::CrashOnOverflow, 16, WTF::FastMalloc> > > >, 2, WTF::FastMalloc>> = {<WTF::VectorBufferBase<std::pair<WTF::AtomicString, std::unique_ptr<WTF::Vector<WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::RegisteredEventListener, WTF::DumbPtrTraits<WebCore::RegisteredEventListener> >, 1, WTF::CrashOnOverflow, 16, WTF::FastMalloc>, std::default_delete<WTF::Vector<WTF::RefPtr<WebCore::RegisteredEventListener, WTF::DumbPtrTraits<WebCore::RegisteredEventListener> >, 1, WTF::CrashOnOverflow, 16, WTF::FastMalloc> > > >, WTF::FastMalloc>> = {m_buffer = 0x7fffe018f028, m_capacity = 2, m_size = 0, m_mask = 1}, m_inlineBuffer = {{__data = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, __align = {<No data fields>}}, {__data = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, __align = {<No data fields>}}}}, <No data fields>}, m_lock = {static isHeldBit = 1 '\001', static hasParkedBit = 2 '\002', m_byte = {value = {<std::__atomic_base<unsigned char>> = {static _S_alignment = 1, _M_i = 0 '\000'}, <No data fields>}}}}, isFiringEventListeners = false}}, <WebCore::ContextDestructionObserver> = {_vptr.ContextDestructionObserver = 0x7ffff7d05f00 <vtable for WebCore::DOMWindow+168>, m_scriptExecutionContext = 0x7fff8daf9190}, <WebCore::FrameDestructionObserver> = {_vptr.FrameDestructionObserver = 0x7ffff7d05f28 <vtable for WebCore::DOMWindow+208>, m_frame = 0x7fffe01c3440}, <WebCore::Base64Utilities> = {<No data fields>}, <WebCore::Supplementable<WebCore::DOMWindow>> = {m_supplements = {m_impl = {static m_maxLoad = <optimised out>, static m_minLoad = <optimised out>, m_table = 0x0, m_tableSize = 0, m_tableSizeMask = 0, m_keyCount = 0, m_deletedCount = 0}}}, m_shouldPrintWhenFinishedLoading = false, m_suspendedForDocumentSuspension = false, m_canShowModalDialogOverride = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<bool>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = false}}, <No data fields>}, m_properties = {m_impl = {static m_maxLoad = 2, static m_minLoad = 6, m_table = 0x0, m_tableSize = 0, m_tableSizeMask = 0, m_keyCount = 0, m_deletedCount = 0}}, m_crypto = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_history = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_locationbar = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_media = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_menubar = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_navigator = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_personalbar = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_screen = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_scrollbars = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_selection = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_statusbar = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_toolbar = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_location = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_visualViewport = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_status = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}, m_defaultStatus = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}, m_lastPageStatus = WebCore::DOMWindow::PageStatus::Hidden, m_weakPtrFactory = {m_ref = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}, m_sessionStorage = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_localStorage = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_applicationCache = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_customElementRegistry = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_performance = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_webkitNamespace = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}
reportingOption = <optimised out>
target = <optimised out>
state = 0x7fffffffba90
#3 0x00007ffff6506234 in WebCore::BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToFrame(JSC::ExecState*, WebCore::Frame*, WebCore::SecurityReportingOption) (state=0x7fffffffba90, target=<optimised out>, reportingOption=<optimised out>) at ./Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSDOMBindingSecurity.cpp:94
reportingOption = <optimised out>
target = <optimised out>
state = 0x7fffffffba90
#4 0x00007ffff65148b0 in WebCore::jsDOMWindowPropertiesGetOwnPropertySlotNamedItemGetter (slot=..., propertyName=..., exec=0x7fffffffba90, frame=..., thisObject=0x7fff8d880000) at ./Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSDOMWindowProperties.cpp:55
#5 0x00007ffff65148b0 in WebCore::JSDOMWindowProperties::getOwnPropertySlot(JSC::JSObject*, JSC::ExecState*, JSC::PropertyName, JSC::PropertySlot&) (object=0x7fff8d880000, state=0x7fffffffba90, propertyName=..., slot=...) at ./Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSDOMWindowProperties.cpp:94
#6 0x00007ffff1870adb in JSC::JSObject::getNonIndexPropertySlot(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::PropertyName, JSC::PropertySlot&) (slot=..., propertyName=..., exec=0x7fffffffba90, this=0x7fff8d880000) at ./Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSObjectInlines.h:146
hasSlot = <optimised out>
prototype = <optimised out>
defaultGetPrototype = 0x7ffff1867f80 <JSC::JSObject::getPrototype(JSC::JSObject*, JSC::ExecState*)>
object = 0x7fff8d880000
prototype = <optimised out>
object = 0x7fff8d880000
slot = {m_attributes = 0, m_data = {value = -1366905539882881024, getter = {getterSetter = 0xed07c6a755c47000}, custom = {getValue = 0xed07c6a755c47000}, customAccessor = {getterSetter = 0xed07c6a755c47000}}, m_offset = -1, m_thisValue = {static numberOfInt52Bits = 52, static notInt52 = 4503599627370496, static int52ShiftAmount = 12, u = {asInt64 = 140735568265216, ptr = 0x7fff8d8dc000, asBits = {payload = -1920090112, tag = 32767}}}, m_slotBase = 0x0, m_watchpointSet = 0x7fff8d8dcac8, m_cacheability = JSC::CachingAllowed, m_propertyType = JSC::PropertySlot::TypeUnset, m_internalMethodType = JSC::PropertySlot::InternalMethodType::HasProperty, m_additionalDataType = JSC::PropertySlot::AdditionalDataType::None, m_additionalData = {domAttribute = {classInfo = 0x7fffe01525b0, domJIT = 0x7fff8d8dc000}, moduleNamespaceSlot = {environment = 0x7fffe01525b0, scopeOffset = 2374877184}}, m_isTaintedByOpaqueObject = false}
#7 0x00007ffff1870adb in JSC::JSObject::getPropertySlot(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::PropertyName, JSC::PropertySlot&) (slot=..., propertyName=..., exec=0x7fffffffba90, this=0x7fff8d8dc000) at ./Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSObject.h:1438
prototype = <optimised out>
object = 0x7fff8d880000
slot = {m_attributes = 0, m_data = {value = -1366905539882881024, getter = {getterSetter = 0xed07c6a755c47000}, custom = {getValue = 0xed07c6a755c47000}, customAccessor = {getterSetter = 0xed07c6a755c47000}}, m_offset = -1, m_thisValue = {static numberOfInt52Bits = 52, static notInt52 = 4503599627370496, static int52ShiftAmount = 12, u = {asInt64 = 140735568265216, ptr = 0x7fff8d8dc000, asBits = {payload = -1920090112, tag = 32767}}}, m_slotBase = 0x0, m_watchpointSet = 0x7fff8d8dcac8, m_cacheability = JSC::CachingAllowed, m_propertyType = JSC::PropertySlot::TypeUnset, m_internalMethodType = JSC::PropertySlot::InternalMethodType::HasProperty, m_additionalDataType = JSC::PropertySlot::AdditionalDataType::None, m_additionalData = {domAttribute = {classInfo = 0x7fffe01525b0, domJIT = 0x7fff8d8dc000}, moduleNamespaceSlot = {environment = 0x7fffe01525b0, scopeOffset = 2374877184}}, m_isTaintedByOpaqueObject = false}
#8 0x00007ffff1870adb in JSC::JSObject::hasPropertyGeneric(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::PropertyName, JSC::PropertySlot::InternalMethodType) const (this=this at entry=0x7fff8d8dc000, exec=exec at entry=0x7fffffffba90, propertyName=..., internalMethodType=internalMethodType at entry=JSC::PropertySlot::InternalMethodType::HasProperty) at ./Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSObject.cpp:1814
slot = {m_attributes = 0, m_data = {value = -1366905539882881024, getter = {getterSetter = 0xed07c6a755c47000}, custom = {getValue = 0xed07c6a755c47000}, customAccessor = {getterSetter = 0xed07c6a755c47000}}, m_offset = -1, m_thisValue = {static numberOfInt52Bits = 52, static notInt52 = 4503599627370496, static int52ShiftAmount = 12, u = {asInt64 = 140735568265216, ptr = 0x7fff8d8dc000, asBits = {payload = -1920090112, tag = 32767}}}, m_slotBase = 0x0, m_watchpointSet = 0x7fff8d8dcac8, m_cacheability = JSC::CachingAllowed, m_propertyType = JSC::PropertySlot::TypeUnset, m_internalMethodType = JSC::PropertySlot::InternalMethodType::HasProperty, m_additionalDataType = JSC::PropertySlot::AdditionalDataType::None, m_additionalData = {domAttribute = {classInfo = 0x7fffe01525b0, domJIT = 0x7fff8d8dc000}, moduleNamespaceSlot = {environment = 0x7fffe01525b0, scopeOffset = 2374877184}}, m_isTaintedByOpaqueObject = false}
#9 0x00007ffff1870f1a in JSC::JSObject::hasProperty(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::PropertyName) const (this=this at entry=0x7fff8d8dc000, exec=exec at entry=0x7fffffffba90, propertyName=...) at ./Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSObject.cpp:1803
#10 0x00007ffff17a04d7 in JSC::slow_path_resolve_scope(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::Instruction*) (exec=0x7fffffffba90, pc=0x7fffe014f380) at ./Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/CommonSlowPaths.cpp:869
hasProperty = <optimised out>
throwScope = {<JSC::ExceptionScope> = {m_vm = @0x7fff8dc00000}, <No data fields>}
ident = @0x7fffe01525b0: {m_string = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fe0000d4bc0}}}
resolvedScope = 0x7fff8d8dc000
resolveType = JSC::UnresolvedProperty
#11 0x00007ffff1656bf1 in llint_entry () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18
#12 0x00007ffff1651ef8 in vmEntryToJavaScript () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18
#13 0x00007ffff15f7d52 in JSC::JITCode::execute(JSC::VM*, JSC::ProtoCallFrame*) (this=this at entry=0x7fffe014f318, vm=0x7fff8dc00000, vm at entry=0xffff000000000000, protoCallFrame=0x7fffffffbc60, protoCallFrame at entry=0xffff000000000002) at ./Source/JavaScriptCore/jit/JITCode.cpp:81
scope = {<JSC::ExceptionScope> = {m_vm = @0x7fff8dc00000}, <No data fields>}
entryAddress = <optimised out>
result = <optimised out>
#14 0x00007ffff15ceaa1 in JSC::Interpreter::executeProgram(JSC::SourceCode const&, JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSObject*) (this=<optimised out>, source=..., callFrame=<optimised out>, callFrame at entry=0x7fff8d8dc058, thisObj=<optimised out>) at ./Source/JavaScriptCore/interpreter/Interpreter.cpp:969
mask = {m_mask = 6 '\006'}
error = <optimised out>
protoCallFrame = {codeBlockValue = {u = {value = 140735567807056, callFrame = 0x7fff8d86c250, codeBlock = 0x7fff8d86c250, encodedValue = {asInt64 = 140735567807056, ptr = 0x7fff8d86c250, asBits = {payload = -1920548272, tag = 32767}}, number = 6.9532609201427668e-310, integer = 140735567807056}}, calleeValue = {u = {value = 140735567773760, callFrame = 0x7fff8d864040, codeBlock = 0x7fff8d864040, encodedValue = {asInt64 = 140735567773760, ptr = 0x7fff8d864040, asBits = {payload = -1920581568, tag = 32767}}, number = 6.9532609184977259e-310, integer = 140735567773760}}, argCountAndCodeOriginValue = {u = {value = 1, callFrame = 0x1, codeBlock = 0x1, encodedValue = {asInt64 = 1, ptr = 0x1, asBits = {payload = 1, tag = 0}}, number = 4.9406564584124654e-324, integer = 1}}, thisArg = {u = {value = 140735568363520, callFrame = 0x7fff8d8f4000, codeBlock = 0x7fff8d8f4000, encodedValue = {asInt64 = 140735568363520, ptr = 0x7fff8d8f4000, asBits = {payload = -1919991808, tag = 32767}}, number = 6.9532609476357414e-310, integer = 140735568363520}}, paddedArgCount = 1, arityMissMatch = false, args = 0x0}
throwScope = {<JSC::ExceptionScope> = {m_vm = @0x7fff8dc00000}, <No data fields>}
JSONPData = {<WTF::VectorBuffer<JSC::JSONPData, 0, WTF::FastMalloc>> = {<WTF::VectorBufferBase<JSC::JSONPData, WTF::FastMalloc>> = {m_buffer = 0x0, m_capacity = 0, m_size = 0, m_mask = 0}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}
parseResult = <optimised out>
programSource = <optimised out>
entryScope = {m_vm = @0x7fff8dc00000, m_globalObject = 0x7fff8d8dc000, m_didPopListeners = {<WTF::VectorBuffer<std::function<void()>, 0, WTF::FastMalloc>> = {<WTF::VectorBufferBase<std::function<void()>, WTF::FastMalloc>> = {m_buffer = 0x0, m_capacity = 0, m_size = 0, m_mask = 0}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, m_previousTLC = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fffe01fe0a0}}
#15 0x00007ffff17cf111 in JSC::evaluate(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::SourceCode const&, JSC::JSValue, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception>&) (exec=exec at entry=0x7fff8d8dc058, source=..., thisValue=..., returnedException=...) at ./Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/Completion.cpp:103
lock = {m_vm = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fff8dc00000}}
scope = {<JSC::ExceptionScope> = {m_vm = @0x7fff8dc00000}, <No data fields>}
profile = {m_active = false, static s_mode = JSC::CodeProfiling::Disabled, static s_tracker = 0x0, static s_profileStack = 0x0}
result = <optimised out>
#16 0x00007ffff17cf2b4 in JSC::profiledEvaluate(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::ProfilingReason, JSC::SourceCode const&, JSC::JSValue, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception>&) (exec=0x7fff8d8dc058, reason=reason at entry=JSC::ProfilingReason::API, source=..., thisValue=thisValue at entry=..., returnedException=...) at ./Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/Completion.cpp:118
profilingScope = Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
{m_globalObject = 0x7fff8d8dc000, m_startTime = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<double>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = 6.9533293856532716e-310}}, <No data fields>}, m_reason = JSC::ProfilingReason::API}
#17 0x00007ffff10227f5 in JSEvaluateScript(JSContextRef, JSStringRef, JSObjectRef, JSStringRef, int, JSValueRef*) (ctx=0x7fff8d8dc058, script=<optimised out>, thisObject=0x0, sourceURL=<optimised out>, startingLineNumber=<optimised out>, exception=0x0) at ./Source/JavaScriptCore/API/JSBase.cpp:69
locker = {m_vm = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fff8dc00000}}
globalObject = 0x7fff8d8dc000
sourceURLString = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}
source = {<JSC::UnlinkedSourceCode> = {m_provider = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = {static isPoisonedType = true, m_poisonedBits = 216098181325068}}, m_startOffset = 0, m_endOffset = 25}, m_firstLine = {m_zeroBasedValue = 0}, m_startColumn = {m_zeroBasedValue = 0}}
evaluationException = {m_ptr = 0x0}
returnValue = <optimised out>
#18 0x00007fff8e584e3d in geary_web_extension_execute_script (self=0x555555a0e810 [GearyWebExtension], context=0x7fff8d8dc058, script=0x7fff8e586e84 "geary.selectionChanged();", line=0, error=0x7fffffffc7d8) at web-process-extension.c:948
result = 0x0
js_script = 0x7fffe01fbdc8
_tmp0_ = 0x7fffe01fbdc8
js_source = 0x7fffe01fbde0
_tmp1_ = 0x7fffe01fbde0
ret = 0x0
_tmp2_ = 0x7fffffffc9e0
_tmp3_ = 0x7ffff2b71e60 <g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID>
__func__ = "geary_web_extension_execute_script"
#19 0x00007fff8e584ba1 in geary_web_extension_selection_changed (self=0x555555a0e810 [GearyWebExtension], page=0x555555a10f20 [WebKitWebPage]) at /home/mjg/Projects/GNOME/geary/src/client/web-process/web-process-extension.vala:129
_tmp2_ = 0x555555751320
_tmp3_ = 0x2f
frame = 0x7fffd0014c40 [WebKitFrame]
_tmp0_ = 0x7fffd0014c40 [WebKitFrame]
_tmp1_ = 0x7fffd0014c40 [WebKitFrame]
context = 0x7fff8d8dc058
_inner_error_ = 0x0
__func__ = "geary_web_extension_selection_changed"
#20 0x00007fff8e583c0e in __lambda5_ (_data1_=0x55555561d8e0) at /home/mjg/Projects/GNOME/geary/src/client/web-process/web-process-extension.vala:47
self = 0x555555a0e810 [GearyWebExtension]
#21 0x00007fff8e583c2d in ___lambda5__webkit_web_editor_selection_changed (_sender=0x7fffd0014b10 [WebKitWebEditor], self=0x55555561d8e0) at /home/mjg/Projects/GNOME/geary/src/client/web-process/web-process-extension.vala:46
#25 0x00007ffff2b8be0f in <emit signal ??? on instance 0x7fffd0014b10 [WebKitWebEditor]> (instance=<optimised out>, signal_id=<optimised out>, detail=<optimised out>) at ../../../../gobject/gsignal.c:3447
var_args = {{gp_offset = 24, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7fffffffcd00, reg_save_area = 0x7fffffffcc40}}
#22 0x00007ffff2b6ff6d in g_closure_invoke (closure=0x555555a1f500, return_value=0x0, n_param_values=1, param_values=0x7fffffffca60, invocation_hint=0x7fffffffc9e0) at ../../../../gobject/gclosure.c:804
marshal = 0x7ffff2b71e60 <g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID>
marshal_data = 0x0
in_marshal = 0
real_closure = 0x555555a1f4e0
__func__ = "g_closure_invoke"
#23 0x00007ffff2b82d3e in signal_emit_unlocked_R (node=node at entry=0x555555a14ce0, detail=detail at entry=0, instance=instance at entry=0x7fffd0014b10, emission_return=emission_return at entry=0x0, instance_and_params=instance_and_params at entry=0x7fffffffca60) at ../../../../gobject/gsignal.c:3635
tmp = <optimised out>
handler = 0x555555a11000
accumulator = 0x0
emission = {next = 0x0, instance = 0x7fffd0014b10, ihint = {signal_id = 196, detail = 0, run_type = G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST}, state = EMISSION_RUN, chain_type = 4}
handler_list = 0x555555a11000
return_accu = 0x0
accu = {g_type = 0, data = {{v_int = 0, v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}, {v_int = 0, v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}}}
signal_id = 196
max_sequential_handler_number = 60
return_value_altered = 0
#24 0x00007ffff2b8b3f5 in g_signal_emit_valist (instance=<optimised out>, signal_id=<optimised out>, detail=<optimised out>, var_args=var_args at entry=0x7fffffffcc20) at ../../../../gobject/gsignal.c:3391
instance_and_params = 0x7fffffffca60
signal_return_type = <optimised out>
param_values = 0x7fffffffca78
i = <optimised out>
n_params = <optimised out>
__func__ = "g_signal_emit_valist"
#26 0x00007ffff5c92a92 in WebKit::WebEditorClient::respondToChangedSelection(WebCore::Frame*) (this=0x5555555a94c0, frame=0x7fffe01c3440) at ./Source/WebKit/WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/WebEditorClient.cpp:203
WebViewDidChangeSelectionNotification = {m_storage = {__data = "Pr\332\367\377\177\000", __align = {<No data fields>}}}
#27 0x00007ffff67b41dc in WebCore::Editor::respondToChangedSelection(WebCore::VisibleSelection const&, unsigned int) (this=0x7fffe01ae158, options=options at entry=6) at ./Source/WebCore/editing/Editor.cpp:3417
#28 0x00007ffff67e0360 in WebCore::FrameSelection::setSelectionWithoutUpdatingAppearance(WebCore::VisibleSelection const&, unsigned int, WebCore::FrameSelection::CursorAlignOnScroll, WebCore::TextGranularity) (this=this at entry=0x7fffe019d000, newSelectionPossiblyWithoutDirection=..., options=options at entry=6, align=align at entry=WebCore::FrameSelection::AlignCursorOnScrollIfNeeded, granularity=granularity at entry=WebCore::CharacterGranularity) at ./Source/WebCore/editing/FrameSelection.cpp:353
closeTyping = <optimised out>
shouldClearTypingStyle = <optimised out>
newSelection = {m_base = {m_anchorNode = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_offset = 0, m_anchorType = 0, m_isLegacyEditingPosition = false}, m_extent = {m_anchorNode = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_offset = 0, m_anchorType = 0, m_isLegacyEditingPosition = false}, m_start = {m_anchorNode = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_offset = 0, m_anchorType = 0, m_isLegacyEditingPosition = false}, m_end = {m_anchorNode = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}, m_offset = 0, m_anchorType = 0, m_isLegacyEditingPosition = false}, m_affinity = WebCore::DOWNSTREAM, m_selectionType = WebCore::VisibleSelection::NoSelection, m_baseIsFirst = true, m_isDirectional = true}
oldSelection = {m_base = {m_anchorNode = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fffe01f9480}, m_offset = 0, m_anchorType = 0, m_isLegacyEditingPosition = true}, m_extent = {m_anchorNode = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fffe01f9480}, m_offset = 0, m_anchorType = 0, m_isLegacyEditingPosition = true}, m_start = {m_anchorNode = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fffe01f9480}, m_offset = 0, m_anchorType = 0, m_isLegacyEditingPosition = true}, m_end = {m_anchorNode = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fffe01f9480}, m_offset = 0, m_anchorType = 0, m_isLegacyEditingPosition = true}, m_affinity = WebCore::DOWNSTREAM, m_selectionType = WebCore::VisibleSelection::CaretSelection, m_baseIsFirst = true, m_isDirectional = true}
#29 0x00007ffff67e06a6 in WebCore::FrameSelection::prepareForDestruction() (this=0x7fffe019d000) at ./Source/WebCore/editing/FrameSelection.cpp:1543
#30 0x00007ffff69fea13 in WebCore::FrameLoader::clear(WebCore::Document*, bool, bool, bool) (this=0x5555555b7e90, newDocument=0x7fff8daf9100, clearWindowProperties=clearWindowProperties at entry=false, clearScriptObjects=clearScriptObjects at entry=false, clearFrameView=clearFrameView at entry=true) at ./Source/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp:634
clearScriptObjects = false
newDocument = 0x7fff8daf9100
this = 0x5555555b7e90
clearFrameView = true
clearWindowProperties = false
#31 0x00007ffff69e62c0 in WebCore::DocumentWriter::begin(WebCore::URL const&, bool, WebCore::Document*) (this=this at entry=0x7fffe0148080, urlReference=..., dispatch=dispatch at entry=false, ownerDocument=ownerDocument at entry=0x0) at ./Source/WebCore/loader/DocumentWriter.cpp:162
url = {m_string = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fe0000d2a28}}, m_isValid = true, m_protocolIsInHTTPFamily = false, m_cannotBeABaseURL = true, m_schemeEnd = 5, m_userStart = 6, m_userEnd = 6, m_passwordEnd = 6, m_hostEnd = 6, m_portEnd = 6, m_pathAfterLastSlash = 6, m_pathEnd = 10, m_queryEnd = 10}
document = {static isRef = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fff8daf9100}
shouldReuseDefaultView = <optimised out>
insecureNavigationRequestsToUpgrade = {m_impl = {static m_maxLoad = 2, static m_minLoad = 6, m_table = 0x0, m_tableSize = 0, m_tableSizeMask = 0, m_keyCount = 0, m_deletedCount = 0}}
#32 0x00007ffff69e666d in WebCore::DocumentLoader::commitData(char const*, unsigned long) (this=this at entry=0x7fffe0148000, bytes=bytes at entry=0x7fffe01a3bc8 "<", length=length at entry=226) at ./Source/WebCore/loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:942
userChosen = <optimised out>
encoding = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fe0000d2a28}}
#33 0x00007ffff5c97c26 in WebKit::WebFrameLoaderClient::committedLoad(WebCore::DocumentLoader*, char const*, int) (this=0x55555568b4c0, loader=0x7fffe0148000, data=0x7fffe01a3bc8 "<", length=226) at ./Source/WebKit/WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.cpp:1009
#34 0x00007ffff69dcba6 in WebCore::DocumentLoader::commitLoad(char const*, int) (this=this at entry=0x7fffe0148000, data=0x7fffe01a3bc8 "<", length=length at entry=226) at ./Source/WebCore/loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:911
protectedFrame = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fffe01c3440}
protectedThis = {static isRef = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fffe0148000}
frameLoader = 0x5555555b7e90
#35 0x00007ffff69dccca in WebCore::DocumentLoader::dataReceived(char const*, int) (this=this at entry=0x7fffe0148000, data=<optimised out>, length=length at entry=226) at ./Source/WebCore/loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:1050
#36 0x00007ffff69e73d2 in WebCore::DocumentLoader::continueAfterContentPolicy(WebCore::PolicyAction) (this=0x7fffe0148000, policy=<optimised out>) at ./Source/WebCore/loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:890
#37 0x00007ffff69e7f3a in WebCore::DocumentLoader::responseReceived(WebCore::ResourceResponse const&) (this=this at entry=0x7fffe0148000, response=...) at ./Source/WebCore/loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:774
protectedThis = {static isRef = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fffe0148000}
willLoadFallback = <optimised out>
identifier = <optimised out>
url = {m_string = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fe0000d2a28}}, m_isValid = true, m_protocolIsInHTTPFamily = false, m_cannotBeABaseURL = true, m_schemeEnd = 5, m_userStart = 6, m_userEnd = 6, m_passwordEnd = 6, m_hostEnd = 6, m_portEnd = 6, m_pathAfterLastSlash = 6, m_pathEnd = 10, m_queryEnd = 10}
contentSecurityPolicy = Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
{m_scriptExecutionContext = 0x0, m_frame = 0x7fffe01c3440, m_selfSource = std::unique_ptr<WebCore::ContentSecurityPolicySource> = {get() = 0x7fffe01ec930}, m_selfSourceProtocol = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fe0000d1020}}, m_policies = {<WTF::VectorBuffer<std::unique_ptr<WebCore::ContentSecurityPolicyDirectiveList, std::default_delete<WebCore::ContentSecurityPolicyDirectiveList> >, 0, WTF::FastMalloc>> = {<WTF::VectorBufferBase<std::unique_ptr<WebCore::ContentSecurityPolicyDirectiveList, std::default_delete<WebCore::ContentSecurityPolicyDirectiveList> >, WTF::FastMalloc>> = {m_buffer = 0x0, m_capacity = 0, m_size = 0, m_mask = 0}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, m_lastPolicyEvalDisabledErrorMessage = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}, m_lastPolicyWebAssemblyDisabledErrorMessage = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}, m_sandboxFlags = 0, m_overrideInlineStyleAllowed = false, m_isReportingEnabled = true, m_upgradeInsecureRequests = false, m_hasAPIPolicy = false, m_hashAlgorithmsForInlineScripts = {m_storage = 0}, m_hashAlgorithmsForInlineStylesheets = {m_storage = 0}, m_insecureNavigationRequestsToUpgrade = {m_impl = {static m_maxLoad = 2, static m_minLoad = 6, m_table = 0x0, m_tableSize = 0, m_tableSizeMask = 0, m_keyCount = 0, m_deletedCount = 0}}, m_cachedResponseHeaders = {<std::optional_base<WebCore::ContentSecurityPolicyResponseHeaders>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = {m_headers = {<WTF::VectorBuffer<std::pair<WTF::String, WebCore::ContentSecurityPolicyHeaderType>, 0, WTF::FastMalloc>> = {<WTF::VectorBufferBase<std::pair<WTF::String, WebCore::ContentSecurityPolicyHeaderType>, WTF::FastMalloc>> = {m_buffer = 0x0, m_capacity = 883712, m_size = 32736, m_mask = 1438937088}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}}}}, <No data fields>}}
it = <optimised out>
#38 0x00007ffff69e8b6c in WebCore::DocumentLoader::handleSubstituteDataLoadNow() (this=0x7fffe0148000) at ./Source/WebCore/loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:464
response = Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
{<WebCore::ResourceResponseBase> = {m_isNull = false, m_url = {m_string = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fe0000d2a28}}, m_isValid = true, m_protocolIsInHTTPFamily = false, m_cannotBeABaseURL = true, m_schemeEnd = 5, m_userStart = 6, m_userEnd = 6, m_passwordEnd = 6, m_hostEnd = 6, m_portEnd = 6, m_pathAfterLastSlash = 6, m_pathEnd = 10, m_queryEnd = 10}, m_mimeType = {m_string = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fe0000df550}}}, m_expectedContentLength = 226, m_textEncodingName = {m_string = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x7fe0000d7c00}}}, m_httpStatusText = {m_string = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}}, m_httpVersion = {m_string = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}}, m_httpHeaderFields = {m_commonHeaders = {m_impl = {static m_maxLoad = 2, static m_minLoad = 6, m_table = 0x0, m_tableSize = 0, m_tableSizeMask = 0, m_keyCount = 0, m_deletedCount = 0}}, m_uncommonHeaders = {m_impl = {static m_maxLoad = 2, static m_minLoad = 6, m_table = 0x0, m_tableSize = 0, m_tableSizeMask = 0, m_keyCount = 0, m_deletedCount = 0}}}, m_networkLoadMetrics = {domainLookupStart = {m_value = -1}, domainLookupEnd = {m_value = -1}, connectStart = {m_value = -1}, secureConnectionStart = {m_value = -1}, connectEnd = {m_value = -1}, requestStart = {m_value = 0}, responseStart = {m_value = 0}, responseEnd = {m_value = 0}, complete = false, protocol = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}, remoteAddress = {<std::optional_base<WTF::String>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}}}, <No data fields>}, connectionIdentifier = {<std::optional_base<WTF::String>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}}}, <No data fields>}, priority = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<WebCore::NetworkLoadPriority>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = (unknown: 32512)}}, <No data fields>}, requestHeaders = {<std::optional_base<WebCore::HTTPHeaderMap>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = {m_commonHeaders = {m_impl = {static m_maxLoad = 2, static m_minLoad = 6, m_table = 0x7fffffffd600, m_tableSize = 4134965922, m_tableSizeMask = 32767, m_keyCount = 4160666144, m_deletedCount = 32767}}, m_uncommonHeaders = {m_impl = {static m_maxLoad = 2, static m_minLoad = 6, m_table = 0x1c0, m_tableSize = 0, m_tableSizeMask = 0, m_keyCount = 1438937088, m_deletedCount = 3976709799}}}}}, <No data fields>}, requestHeaderBytesSent = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<unsigned long>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = 140736953245952}}, <No data fields>}, requestBodyBytesSent = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<unsigned long>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = 140736953245952}}, <No data fields>}, responseHeaderBytesReceived = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<unsigned long>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = 140737327941632}}, <No data fields>}, responseBodyBytesReceived = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<unsigned long>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = 140736952807936}}, <No data fields>}, responseBodyDecodedSize = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<unsigned long>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = 140737488344576}}, <No data fields>}}, m_certificateInfo = {<std::optional_base<WebCore::CertificateInfo>> = {init_ = true, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = {m_certificate = {m_ptr = 0x0}, m_tlsErrors = 0}}}, <No data fields>}, m_httpStatusCode = 0, m_age = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<WTF::Seconds>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = {m_value = 2.1219957909652723e-314}}}, <No data fields>}, m_date = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<WTF::WallTime>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = {static clockType = WTF::ClockType::Wall, m_value = 6.9533293851347003e-310}}}, <No data fields>}, m_expires = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<WTF::WallTime>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = {static clockType = WTF::ClockType::Wall, m_value = 6.9533293851347003e-310}}}, <No data fields>}, m_lastModified = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<WTF::WallTime>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = {static clockType = WTF::ClockType::Wall, m_value = 0}}}, <No data fields>}, m_contentRange = {m_isValid = false, m_firstBytePosition = 0, m_lastBytePosition = 0, m_instanceLength = 9223372036854775807}, m_cacheControlDirectives = {maxAge = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<WTF::Seconds>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = {m_value = 0}}}, <No data fields>}, maxStale = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<WTF::Seconds>> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = {m_value = 0}}}, <No data fields>}, noCache = false, noStore = false, mustRevalidate = false, immutable = false}, m_haveParsedCacheControlHeader = false, m_haveParsedAgeHeader = false, m_haveParsedDateHeader = false, m_haveParsedExpiresHeader = false, m_haveParsedLastModifiedHeader = false, m_haveParsedContentRangeHeader = false, m_source = WebCore::ResourceResponseBase::Source::Unknown, m_cacheBodyKey = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<std::array<unsigned char, 20> >> = {init_ = false, storage_ = {dummy_ = 0 '\000', value_ = {_M_elems = '\000' <repeats 19 times>}}}, <No data fields>}, m_type = WebCore::ResourceResponseBase::Type::Default, m_isRedirected = false, m_tainting = WebCore::ResourceResponseBase::Tainting::Basic}, m_soupFlags = (unknown: 0), m_sniffedContentType = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}, m_certificate = {m_ptr = 0x0}, m_tlsErrors = 0}
#39 0x00007ffff6b87a3e in WebCore::ThreadTimers::sharedTimerFiredInternal() (this=0x7fffe01ec330) at ./Source/WebCore/platform/ThreadTimers.cpp:118
timer = 0x7fffe0148cd8
interval = <optimised out>
fireTime = {static clockType = WTF::ClockType::Monotonic, m_value = 192147.578492}
timeToQuit = {static clockType = WTF::ClockType::Monotonic, m_value = 192147.62849199999}
this = 0x7fffe01ec330
#40 0x00007ffff1acc4d3 in WTF::RunLoop::TimerBase::<lambda(gpointer)>::operator() (__closure=0x0, userData=0x7ffff7dc7a50 <WebCore::MainThreadSharedTimer::singleton()::instance+16>) at ./Source/WTF/wtf/glib/RunLoopGLib.cpp:170
timer = 0x7ffff7dc7a50 <WebCore::MainThreadSharedTimer::singleton()::instance+16>
#41 0x00007ffff1acc4d3 in WTF::RunLoop::TimerBase::<lambda(gpointer)>::_FUN(gpointer) () at ./Source/WTF/wtf/glib/RunLoopGLib.cpp:176
#42 0x00007ffff28960f5 in g_main_dispatch (context=0x555555594460) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:3177
dispatch = 0x7ffff1acbf60 <WTF::<lambda(GSource*, GSourceFunc, gpointer)>::_FUN(GSource *, GSourceFunc, gpointer)>
prev_source = 0x0
was_in_call = 0
user_data = 0x7ffff7dc7a50 <WebCore::MainThreadSharedTimer::singleton()::instance+16>
callback = 0x7ffff1acc4c0 <WTF::RunLoop::TimerBase::<lambda(gpointer)>::_FUN(gpointer)>
cb_funcs = 0x7ffff2b5e280 <g_source_callback_funcs>
cb_data = 0x5555556dd550
need_destroy = <optimised out>
source = 0x5555556612f0
current = 0x5555555b8e70
i = 0
#43 0x00007ffff28960f5 in g_main_context_dispatch (context=context at entry=0x555555594460) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:3830
#44 0x00007ffff28964c0 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x555555594460, block=block at entry=1, dispatch=dispatch at entry=1, self=<optimised out>) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:3903
max_priority = 100
timeout = 0
some_ready = 1
nfds = <optimised out>
allocated_nfds = 5
fds = 0x555555c34030
#45 0x00007ffff28967d2 in g_main_loop_run (loop=0x55555560b760) at ../../../../glib/gmain.c:4099
__func__ = "g_main_loop_run"
#46 0x00007ffff1acc8e0 in WTF::RunLoop::run() () at ./Source/WTF/wtf/glib/RunLoopGLib.cpp:96
runLoop = @0x7fffe01f9000: {<WTF::FunctionDispatcher> = {<WTF::ThreadSafeRefCounted<WTF::FunctionDispatcher>> = {<WTF::ThreadSafeRefCountedBase> = {m_refCount = {<std::__atomic_base<unsigned int>> = {static _S_alignment = 4, _M_i = 21}, <No data fields>}}, <No data fields>}, _vptr.FunctionDispatcher = 0x7ffff1d12428 <vtable for WTF::RunLoop+16>}, m_functionQueueLock = {static isHeldBit = 1 '\001', static hasParkedBit = 2 '\002', m_byte = {value = {<std::__atomic_base<unsigned char>> = {static _S_alignment = 1, _M_i = 0 '\000'}, <No data fields>}}}, m_functionQueue = {m_start = 19, m_end = 19, m_buffer = {<WTF::VectorBufferBase<WTF::Function<void()>, WTF::FastMalloc>> = {m_buffer = 0x7fffe01d30a8, m_capacity = 21, m_size = 0, m_mask = 31}, <No data fields>}}, m_mainContext = {m_ptr = 0x555555594460}, m_mainLoops = {<WTF::VectorBuffer<WTF::GRefPtr<_GMainLoop>, 0, WTF::FastMalloc>> = {<WTF::VectorBufferBase<WTF::GRefPtr<_GMainLoop>, WTF::FastMalloc>> = {m_buffer = 0x7fffe01fd100, m_capacity = 16, m_size = 1, m_mask = 15}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, m_source = {m_ptr = 0x55555560b780}}
nestedMainLoop = <optimised out>
#47 0x00007ffff5efed18 in WebKit::ChildProcessMain<WebKit::WebProcess, WebKit::WebProcessMain>(int, char**) (argc=<optimised out>, argv=0x7fffffffdca8) at ./Source/WebKit/Shared/unix/ChildProcessMain.h:61
childMain = Python Exception <class 'gdb.error'> There is no member or method named _M_payload.:
{<WebKit::ChildProcessMainBase> = {_vptr.ChildProcessMainBase = 0x7ffff7bfea60 <vtable for WebKit::WebProcessMain+16>, m_parameters = {uiProcessName = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}, clientIdentifier = {m_impl = {static isRefPtr = <optimised out>, m_ptr = 0x0}}, processIdentifier = {<std::constexpr_optional_base<WTF::ObjectIdentifier<WebCore::ProcessIdentifierType> >> = {init_ = true, storage_ = {dummy_ = 3 '\003', value_ = {m_identifier = 3}}}, <No data fields>}, connectionIdentifier = 20, extraInitializationData = {m_impl = {static m_maxLoad = 2, static m_minLoad = 6, m_table = 0x0, m_tableSize = 0, m_tableSizeMask = 0, m_keyCount = 0, m_deletedCount = 0}}}}, <No data fields>}
#48 0x00007ffff4dccb97 in __libc_start_main (main=0x5555555548d0 <main(int, char**)>, argc=3, argv=0x7fffffffdca8, init=<optimised out>, fini=<optimised out>, rtld_fini=<optimised out>, stack_end=0x7fffffffdc98) at ../csu/libc-start.c:310
result = <optimised out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {0, 1783994949062099995, 93824992233776, 140737488346272, 0, 0, 5591026116450059291, 5591015421459170331}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x7ffff7de5733 <_dl_init+259>, 0x7ffff7bf3818}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = -136423629}}}
not_first_call = <optimised out>
#49 0x000055555555495a in _start ()
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