[Webkit-unassigned] [Bug 186302] iOS does not call onIceCandidate
bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org
bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org
Thu Jun 7 12:55:59 PDT 2018
--- Comment #7 from philipp.kuederli at gmail.com ---
(In reply to youenn fablet from comment #6)
> (In reply to philipp.kuederli from comment #5)
> > It seems that without calling getUserMedia it is not possible to create a
> > data channel because of security reasons, is this correct? I actually dont
> > understand what the connection between video/audio and a data channel is
> > about security reasons. If a data channel could be insecure, why should a
> > user be aware of this just because of accepting a camera. The whole thing
> > makes WebRtc useless as data channel, which would be a pity :-(
> >
> > So the question is: Do I have to try at all to make it working, or is WebRTC
> > on Safari useless for data channels and I can forget it?
> I understand your frustration here.
> We are limiting private IP addresses for privacy reasons as this is used by
> many many web sites to track users.
Hello Youenn,
sorry for my frustration, somtimes this happens when things dont want to work. I am actually very happy that iOS supports WebRTC :-)
> https://youennf.github.io/webrtc-tests/src/content/peerconnection/trickle-
> ice/ should work and provide srflx candidates.
> I do not know why Safari 11.1.1 is working for you but not iOS11.3.1 since
> they should have the same behavior.
I think they behave the same. It was a confusion by me. In Safari Web Developer I chose "Disable Local ICE Candidate Restrictions", but I did not realize that the change does only take effect when opening a new window (most likely I just refreshed). So when I deactivated it still worked and I did not realize that I am still running in this "special" mode.
> We are working to enable this kind of data-channel-only scenarios, using
> MDNS ICE candidates.
> This is covered in https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=174500 and is
> behind a runtime flag, off by default.
> In Safari Tech Preview, go to "Develop -> Experimental Features ->
> ...MDNS...."
> The latest iOS 12 seed might have this switch as well in "Settings -> Safari
> -> Advanced -> Experimental Features -> ...MDNS..."
Yes at least in my case a better data channel support woud be great, so it would be nice if this will come.
For the moment I installed "coturn" on my server as a TURN server and it works quite good. I can make a data channel over this and it seems to be more efficient than using WebSockets. So this was a really positive experience without having to implement something additional, just by installing a server.
For completeness, I use the following configuration:
- For connection (my IP and passwords hidden):
new RTCPeerConnection{
"iceServers": [
urls: [
username: "myuser",
credential: "mypassword"
"iceTransportPolicy": "all",
"iceCandidatePoolSize": "0"
- For Data Channel I did not configure something additional so far:
- For Offer i used the legacy option, just because of the examples (most likely it has no effect in my case):
connection.createOffer({offerToReceiveAudio: 1})
With this configurationI get the following two candidates where I choose the "relay" candidate, for the srflx I did not get a data channel onopen event (my IP hidden again):
candidate: "candidate:842163049 1 udp 1677729535 63248 typ srflx raddr rport 0 generation 0 ufrag 6K3E network-cost 50"
sdpMLineIndex: 0
sdpMid: "data"
candidate: "candidate:2468224366 1 udp 33562367 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 52606 typ relay raddr rport 0 generation 0 ufrag 6K3E network-cost 50"
sdpMLineIndex: 0
sdpMid: "data"
So thank you so far for your great support, I think this ticket can be closed. The answer was most likely, that I had to call getUserMedia to get the candidates.
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