No subject

Tue Jan 27 15:54:36 PST 2015

Nonetheless, I was unable to find any bug referencing this, nor anything on Google, Stack Overflow, or the Apple Dev Forums.  So I began looking for things that could explain the differences between WebKit and Blink after the err uh, trial separation.

The closest reference I could find was a Chromium bug: <a href=";can=1&amp;q=google%20maps%20performance&amp;colspec=ID%20Pri%20M%20Week%20ReleaseBlock%20Cr%20Status%20Owner%20Summary%20OS%20Modified">;can=1&amp;q=google%20maps%20performance&amp;colspec=ID%20Pri%20M%20Week%20ReleaseBlock%20Cr%20Status%20Owner%20Summary%20OS%20Modified</a>

Which describes a process called &quot;layer squashing.&quot;  Searching the WebKit bugs for layer squashing showed this bug marked as &quot;won't fix&quot;: <a class="bz_bug_link 
          bz_status_RESOLVED  bz_closed"
   title="RESOLVED WONTFIX - Minor refactor of RenderLayerCompositor computeCompositingRequirements"
   href="show_bug.cgi?id=109992"></a> from the same authors of the layer squashing now part of Chrome / Blink.

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