[Webkit-unassigned] [Bug 117602] Going to google.com/trends causes a crash

bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org
Tue Jun 18 15:43:05 PDT 2013


--- Comment #5 from Filip Pizlo <fpizlo at apple.com>  2013-06-18 15:41:43 PST ---
(In reply to comment #4)
> (In reply to comment #3)
> > Okay, so if we have:
> > function g() { f() }
> > function f() {  doStuff(); arguments;  }
> > function doStuff() { throw {} }
> > 
> > for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { try { g() } catch (e) {} }
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The initial graph is:
> > DFG for g#BBXOF8:[0x7fe6ad00f000->0x10935fd70, DFGFunctionCall]:
> >   Fixpoint state: BeforeFixpoint; Form: LoadStore; Unification state: LocallyUnified; Ref count state: EverythingIsLive
> >   ArgumentPosition size: 3
> >     #0: 
> >     #1: 
> >     #2: 
> > Block #0 (bc#0):  (OSR target)
> >   Predecessors:
> >   Phi Nodes:
> >   vars before: <empty>
> >   var links: arg0:- : r0:- r1:- r2:- r3:- r4:- r5:- r6:- r7:- r8:- r9:- r10:- r11:- r12:- r13:- r14:- r15:- r16:- r17:- r18:-
> >    0:           < 1:->    SetArgument(arg0(a), bc#0)  predicting None
> >    1:           < 1:->    JSConstant(JS|PureInt, $0 = Undefined, bc#1)
> >    2:           <!0:->    GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global4(0x105dff9c8), bc#1)
> >    3:           < 1:->    WeakJSConstant(JS|PureInt, 0x1092decb0, bc#1)
> >    4:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(B~), bc#1)  predicting None
> >    5:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@3, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(C~), bc#1)  predicting None
> >    6:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(D~), bc#1)  predicting None
> >    7:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@3, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(E~), bc#1)  predicting None
> >    8:           <!0:->    Phantom(@3, @1, MustGen|CanExit, bc#7)
> >   --> f#AmUsAH:<0x10935fc70, bc#7, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092decb0 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r8>
> >      9:           <!0:->    InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0)
> >     10:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(F*), bc#0)  predicting None
> >     11:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(G*), bc#0)  predicting None
> >     12:           < 1:->    JSConstant(JS|PureInt, $1 = <JSValue()>, bc#1)
> >     13:           <!0:->    Flush(MustGen, r9(G*), bc#1)  predicting None
> >     14:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(H*), bc#1)  predicting None
> >     15:           <!0:->    Flush(MustGen, r8(F*), bc#3)  predicting None
> >     16:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(I*), bc#3)  predicting None
> Are 14 and 16 flushed?
> >     17:           <!0:->    GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global5(0x105dff9d0), bc#5)
> >     18:           < 1:->    WeakJSConstant(JS|PureInt, 0x1092dec70, bc#5)
> >     19:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(J~), bc#5)  predicting None
> >     20:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@18, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(K~), bc#5)  predicting None
> >     21:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@1, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(L~), bc#5)  predicting None
> >     22:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@18, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(M~), bc#5)  predicting None
> >     23:           <!0:->    Phantom(@18, @1, MustGen|CanExit, bc#11)
> >     --> doStuff#ASE1VK:<0x10935fb70, bc#11, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092dec70 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r18>
> >       24:           <!0:->    InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0)
> >       25:           < 1:->    NewObject(JS|PureInt|CanExit, struct(0x105ddb6c8: NonArray), bc#1)
> >       26:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@25, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r18(N~), bc#1)  predicting None
> >       27:           <!0:->    Throw(@25, MustGen|CanExit, bc#5)
> > 
> > 
> > Which eventually becomes:
> >   var links: arg0:@0 : r0:- r1:- r2:- r3:- r4:- r5:- r6:- r7:- r8:- r9:- r10:- r11:- r12:- r13:- r14:- r15:- r16:- r17:- r18:-
> >    0:           < 1:->    SetArgument(arg0(a), bc#0)  predicting Other
> >    1:           < 1:->    JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $0 = Undefined, bc#1)
> >    2:           <!0:->    GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global4(0x105dff9c8), bc#1)
> >    3:           < 1:->    WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092decb0, bc#1)
> >    4:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(B~<Other>), bc#1)  predicting Other
> >    5:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@3<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(C~<Function>), bc#1)  predicting Function
> >    6:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r1(D~<Other>), bc#1)  predicting Other
> >    7:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@3<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r0(E~<Function>), bc#1)  predicting Function
> >    8:           <!0:->    Phantom(@3<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#7)
> >   --> f#AmUsAH:<0x10935fc70, bc#7, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092decb0 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r8>
> >      9:           <!0:->    InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0)
> >     10:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(F*<Other>), bc#0)  predicting Other
> >     11:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(G*<Other>), bc#0)  predicting Other
> >     12:           < 1:->    JSConstant(JS|PureInt, $1 = <JSValue()>, bc#1)
> >     13:           <!0:->    Flush(@11, MustGen, r9(G*<Other>), bc#1)  predicting Other
> >     14:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r9(H*), bc#1)  predicting Empty
> >     15:           <!0:->    Flush(@10, MustGen, r8(F*<Other>), bc#3)  predicting Other
> >     16:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@12, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r8(I*), bc#3)  predicting Empty
> >     17:           <!0:->    GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global5(0x105dff9d0), bc#5)
> >     18:           < 1:->    WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092dec70, bc#5)
> >     19:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(J~<Other>), bc#5)  predicting Other
> >     20:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@18<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(K~<Function>), bc#5)  predicting Function
> >     21:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@1<Other>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r11(L~<Other>), bc#5)  predicting Other
> >     22:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@18<Function>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r10(M~<Function>), bc#5)  predicting Function
> >     23:           <!0:->    Phantom(@18<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#11)
> >     --> doStuff#ASE1VK:<0x10935fb70, bc#11, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092dec70 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r18>
> >       24:           <!0:->    InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0)
> >       25:           < 1:->    NewObject(JS|UseAsOther|CanExit, struct(0x105ddb6c8: NonArray), bc#1)
> >       26:           < 1:->    SetLocal(@25<Final>, CanExit|NodeExitsForward, r18(N~<Final>), bc#1)  predicting Final
> >       27:           <!0:->    Throw(@25<Final>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#5)
> > 
> > 
> > And then after DCE
> >   var links: arg0:@0 : r0:- r1:- r2:- r3:- r4:- r5:- r6:- r7:- r8:- r9:- r10:- r11:- r12:- r13:- r14:- r15:- r16:- r17:- r18:-
> >    0:  skipped  < 0:->    SetArgument(arg0(a), bc#0)
> >    1:           < 4:->    JSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, $0 = Undefined, bc#1)
> >    2:           <!0:->    GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global4(0x105dff9c8), bc#1)
> >    3:           < 1:->    WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092decb0, bc#1)
> >    4:  skipped  < 0:->    MovHint(@1<Other>, r1(B~<Other>), bc#1)
> >    5:  skipped  < 0:->    MovHint(@3<Function>, r0(C~<Function>), bc#1)
> >    6:  skipped  < 0:->    MovHint(@1<Other>, r1(D~<Other>), bc#1)
> >    7:  skipped  < 0:->    MovHint(@3<Function>, r0(E~<Function>), bc#1)
> >    8:           <!0:->    Phantom(@3<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen, bc#7)
> >   --> f#AmUsAH:<0x10935fc70, bc#7, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092decb0 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r8>
> >      9:           <!0:->    InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0)
> >     10:  skipped  < 0:->    MovHint(@1<Other>, r8(F*<Other>), bc#0)
> >     11:  skipped  < 0:->    MovHint(@1<Other>, r9(G*<Other>), bc#0)
> >     12:           <!0:->    Phantom(MustGen|CanExit, bc#1)
> >     13:           <!0:->    Phantom(@1<Other>, MustGen, bc#1)
> >     14:  skipped  < 0:->    ZombieHint(r9(H*), bc#1)
> >     15:           <!0:->    Phantom(@1<Other>, MustGen, bc#3)
> >     16:  skipped  < 0:->    ZombieHint(r8(I*), bc#3)
> >     17:           <!0:->    GlobalVarWatchpoint(MustGen|CanExit, global5(0x105dff9d0), bc#5)
> >     18:           < 1:->    WeakJSConstant(JS|UseAsOther, 0x1092dec70, bc#5)
> >     19:  skipped  < 0:->    MovHint(@1<Other>, r11(J~<Other>), bc#5)
> >     20:  skipped  < 0:->    MovHint(@18<Function>, r10(K~<Function>), bc#5)
> >     21:  skipped  < 0:->    MovHint(@1<Other>, r11(L~<Other>), bc#5)
> >     22:  skipped  < 0:->    MovHint(@18<Function>, r10(M~<Function>), bc#5)
> >     23:           <!0:->    Phantom(@18<Function>, @1<Other>, MustGen, bc#11)
> >     --> doStuff#ASE1VK:<0x10935fb70, bc#11, Call, known callee: Cell: 0x1092dec70 (0x105ddf420: Function, NonArray), numArgs+this = 1, stack >= r18>
> >       24:           <!0:->    InlineStart(MustGen, bc#0)
> >       25:           < 1:->    NewObject(JS|UseAsOther, struct(0x105ddb6c8: NonArray), bc#1)
> >       26:  skipped  < 0:->    MovHint(@25<Final>, r18(N~<Final>), bc#1)
> >       27:           <!0:->    Throw(@25<Final>, MustGen|CanExit, bc#5)
> > 
> > 
> > Nodes @14 and @16 were responsible for initializing the lazy argument slots, but they have been elided, despite being necessary for correct behavior.
> > 
> > I can add 
> >             addToGraph(Phantom, get(currentInstruction[1].u.operand));
> > 
> > To init_lazy_reg, and that makes this crash go away, but it feels jacky, and looking at the output graph it is not obvious _why_ we end up with the correct behavior.
> No that is definitely not the right solution. Why aren't those two nodes flushed?  Does the inkined functional ways end in Throw?  If so maybe it's that op_throw (and ThrowReferenceError) aren't doing the Flushing that op_ret and op_end do?

Just reread the original bug code. Yeah, the bug is that op_throw doesn't do the flushing that op_ret does. This can be fixed by either copying or abstracting the code in ByteCodeParser for flushing in return, so that throwing also does it.

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