[Webkit-unassigned] [Bug 11310] New: Crashed upon opening for some reason.

bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org
Sun Oct 15 21:41:14 PDT 2006


           Summary: Crashed upon opening for some reason.
           Product: WebKit
           Version: 420+ (nightly)
          Platform: Macintosh
        OS/Version: Mac OS X 10.4
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: Normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: New Bugs
        AssignedTo: webkit-unassigned at opendarwin.org
        ReportedBy: tanaciousp at gmail.com

Crash upon opening webkit.. My homepage is set to www.Cnn.com. The crash only
happened once but i felt like i should report it just in case.. Here's the log:

Date/Time:      2006-10-16 00:55:16.636 -0400
OS Version:     10.4.8 (Build 8L127)
Report Version: 4

Command: Safari
Path:    /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari
Parent:  WindowServer [61]

Version: ??? (17057)

PID:    529
Thread: 0

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x000000ac

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   com.apple.WebCore           0x011cedb8
WebCore::RenderObject::setStyle(WebCore::RenderStyle*) + 2056
1   com.apple.WebCore           0x011a58c8
WebCore::RenderBox::setStyle(WebCore::RenderStyle*) + 40
2   com.apple.WebCore           0x0119c038
WebCore::RenderBlock::setStyle(WebCore::RenderStyle*) + 88
3   com.apple.WebCore           0x0128be6c
WebCore::Node::createRendererIfNeeded() + 268
4   com.apple.WebCore           0x01290f80 WebCore::Element::attach() + 32
5   com.apple.WebCore           0x011383e0
WebCore::ContainerNode::appendChild(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Node>, int&) + 544
6   com.apple.WebCore           0x0112cac0 WebCore::Document::implicitClose() +
7   com.apple.WebCore           0x010fc374 WebCore::Frame::checkEmitLoadEvent()
+ 372
8   com.apple.WebCore           0x0110401c WebCore::Frame::checkCompleted() +
9   com.apple.WebCore           0x011045e4 WebCore::Frame::finishedParsing() +
10  com.apple.WebCore           0x010275fc WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::end() + 188
11  com.apple.WebCore           0x01028f28 WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::finish() +
12  com.apple.WebCore           0x01104e2c WebCore::Frame::endIfNotLoading() +
13  com.apple.WebCore           0x01403ccc -[WebFrameLoader _finishedLoading] +
14  com.apple.WebCore           0x01409da4 -[WebMainResourceLoader
didFinishLoading] + 52
15  com.apple.WebCore           0x01409a5c -[WebMainResourceLoader
continueAfterContentPolicy:response:] + 764
16  com.apple.Safari            0x0001e98c 0x1000 + 121228
17  libobjc.A.dylib             0x90a441f4 objc_msgSendv + 180
18  com.apple.Foundation        0x9295cc88 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 944
19  com.apple.Foundation        0x9295d238 -[NSInvocation invokeWithTarget:] +
20  com.apple.Foundation        0x92955034 -[NSObject(NSForwardInvocation)
forward::] + 408
21  libobjc.A.dylib             0x90a440b0 _objc_msgForward + 176
22  com.apple.WebCore           0x014041b4 -[WebFrameLoader
_checkContentPolicyForMIMEType:andCall:withSelector:] + 148
23  com.apple.WebCore           0x01409ca0 -[WebMainResourceLoader
didReceiveResponse:] + 256
24  com.apple.WebCore           0x01409f98 -[WebMainResourceLoader
loadWithRequestNow:] + 408
25  com.apple.WebCore           0x0140a024 -[WebMainResourceLoader
loadWithRequest:] + 100
26  com.apple.WebCore           0x01402484 -[WebFrameLoader
startLoadingMainResourceWithRequest:identifier:] + 148
27  com.apple.WebCore           0x01402adc -[WebFrameLoader startLoading] + 188
28  com.apple.WebCore           0x014070f4 -[WebFrameLoader
continueAfterNavigationPolicy:] + 324
29  libobjc.A.dylib             0x90a441f4 objc_msgSendv + 180
30  com.apple.Foundation        0x9295cc88 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 944
31  com.apple.Foundation        0x9295d238 -[NSInvocation invokeWithTarget:] +
32  com.apple.Foundation        0x92955034 -[NSObject(NSForwardInvocation)
forward::] + 408
33  libobjc.A.dylib             0x90a440b0 _objc_msgForward + 176
34  com.apple.WebCore           0x01405ad4 -[WebFrameLoader
+ 484
35  com.apple.WebCore           0x01406708 -[WebFrameLoader
loadDocumentLoader:withLoadType:formState:] + 264
36  com.apple.WebCore           0x01405eec -[WebFrameLoader
loadDocumentLoader:] + 364
37  com.apple.WebCore           0x01405178 -[WebFrameLoader loadRequest:] + 88
38  com.apple.Safari            0x00017500 0x1000 + 91392
39  com.apple.Safari            0x0003debc 0x1000 + 249532
40  com.apple.AppKit            0x937d1c4c -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:]
+ 108
41  com.apple.Safari            0x0002956c 0x1000 + 165228
42  com.apple.AppKit            0x937d1b80 -[NSControl sendAction:to:] + 96
43  com.apple.AppKit            0x937d1a60 -[NSCell _sendActionFrom:] + 156
44  com.apple.AppKit            0x937eba88 -[NSCell
trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 1020
45  com.apple.AppKit            0x937eb670 -[NSButtonCell
trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 564
46  com.apple.AppKit            0x937eb094 -[NSControl mouseDown:] + 536
47  com.apple.Safari            0x0003dde0 0x1000 + 249312
48  com.apple.AppKit            0x9378c890 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 4616
49  com.apple.Safari            0x00021734 0x1000 + 132916
50  com.apple.AppKit            0x937358d4 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 4172
51  com.apple.Safari            0x00021238 0x1000 + 131640
52  com.apple.AppKit            0x9372cd10 -[NSApplication run] + 508
53  com.apple.AppKit            0x9381d87c NSApplicationMain + 452
54  com.apple.Safari            0x0005c77c 0x1000 + 374652
55  com.apple.Safari            0x0005c624 0x1000 + 374308

Thread 1:
0   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9000ab48 mach_msg_trap + 8
1   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9000aa9c mach_msg + 60
2   com.unsanity.ape            0xc0001b14 __ape_agent + 296
3   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9002b508 _pthread_body + 96

Thread 2:
0   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9000ab48 mach_msg_trap + 8
1   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9000aa9c mach_msg + 60
2   com.apple.CoreFoundation    0x907dcb78 __CFRunLoopRun + 832
3   com.apple.CoreFoundation    0x907dc47c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 268
4   com.apple.Foundation        0x9298869c
+[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionInternal) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 264
5   com.apple.Foundation        0x92961194 forkThreadForFunction + 108
6   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9002b508 _pthread_body + 96

Thread 3:
0   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9000ab48 mach_msg_trap + 8
1   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9000aa9c mach_msg + 60
2   com.apple.CoreFoundation    0x907dcb78 __CFRunLoopRun + 832
3   com.apple.CoreFoundation    0x907dc47c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 268
4   com.apple.Foundation        0x929897dc +[NSURLCache _diskCacheSyncLoop:] +
5   com.apple.Foundation        0x92961194 forkThreadForFunction + 108
6   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9002b508 _pthread_body + 96

Thread 4:
0   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9002bbc8 semaphore_wait_signal_trap + 8
1   libSystem.B.dylib           0x900306ac pthread_cond_wait + 480
2   com.apple.Foundation        0x92968300 -[NSConditionLock
lockWhenCondition:] + 68
3   com.apple.Syndication       0x9b1a842c -[AsyncDB _run:] + 192
4   com.apple.Foundation        0x92961194 forkThreadForFunction + 108
5   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9002b508 _pthread_body + 96

Thread 5:
0   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9001f08c select + 12
1   com.apple.CoreFoundation    0x907ef40c __CFSocketManager + 472
2   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9002b508 _pthread_body + 96

Thread 0 crashed with PPC Thread State 64:
  srr0: 0x00000000011cedb8 srr1: 0x100000000200f030                       
vrsave: 0x0000000000000000
    cr: 0x42028242          xer: 0x0000000020000000   lr: 0x00000000011cedb8 
ctr: 0x000000000119bfe0
    r0: 0x00000000011a58c8   r1: 0x00000000bfffc960   r2: 0x000000000222d540  
r3: 0x0000000000000000
    r4: 0x0000000002280a68   r5: 0x0000000002280a68   r6: 0x0000000000000000  
r7: 0x0000000000000000
    r8: 0x0000000000000000   r9: 0x000000000225d7c0  r10: 0x8000000080000000 
r11: 0x0000000001532f38
   r12: 0x000000000119bfe0  r13: 0x00000000a375b688  r14: 0x0000000000000100 
r15: 0x0000000000000000
   r16: 0x00000000a374b68c  r17: 0x00000000a375b68c  r18: 0x00000000a375b68c 
r19: 0x00000000a375b68c
   r20: 0x0000000000000000  r21: 0x0000000000000000  r22: 0x00000000bfffe068 
r23: 0x00000000053b9c40
   r24: 0x0000000002166230  r25: 0x0000000000000000  r26: 0x0000000000000000 
r27: 0x0000000002280a68
   r28: 0x0000000002280a68  r29: 0x0000000002280ae4  r30: 0x0000000002280ae4 
r31: 0x00000000011ce5c4

Binary Images Description:
    0x1000 -    0xdcfff com.apple.Safari 2.0.4 (419.3) 
  0x109000 -   0x10afff WebKitNightlyEnabler.dylib     
  0x10e000 -   0x19cfff com.apple.JavaScriptCore 420+  
  0x305000 -   0x397fff com.apple.WebKit 420+  
  0x500000 -   0x503fff com.kcn.thebadape The APE version 2.1 (3.0)    
/Users/Tj/Library/Application Enhancers/The Bad APE.ape/Contents/MacOS/The Bad
 0x1008000 -  0x151cfff com.apple.WebCore 420+ 
 0x2008000 -  0x203afff com.unsanity.shapeshifter 2.3.1
 0x4610000 -  0x4617fff com.unsanity.smartcrashreports Smart Crash Reports
version 1.0.2 (1.2)  /Users/Tj/Library/InputManagers/Smart Crash Reports/Smart
Crash Reports.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Smart Crash Reports
0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe51fff dyld 45.3       /usr/lib/dyld
0x90000000 - 0x901bcfff libSystem.B.dylib       /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
0x90214000 - 0x90219fff libmathCommon.A.dylib  
0x9021b000 - 0x90268fff com.apple.CoreText 1.0.2 (???) 
0x90293000 - 0x90344fff ATS    
0x90373000 - 0x9072dfff com.apple.CoreGraphics 1.258.38 (???)  
0x907ba000 - 0x90893fff com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.4.6 (368.27)
0x908dc000 - 0x908dcfff com.apple.CoreServices 10.4 (???)      
0x908de000 - 0x909e0fff libicucore.A.dylib      /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
0x90a3a000 - 0x90abefff libobjc.A.dylib         /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
0x90ae8000 - 0x90b58fff com.apple.framework.IOKit 1.4 (???)    
0x90b6e000 - 0x90b80fff libauto.dylib   /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
0x90b87000 - 0x90e5efff com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 681.7
0x90ec4000 - 0x90f44fff com.apple.CoreServices.OSServices 4.1  
0x90f8e000 - 0x90fcffff com.apple.CFNetwork 129.18     
0x90fe4000 - 0x90ffcfff com.apple.WebServices 1.1.2 (1.1.0)    
0x9100c000 - 0x9108dfff com.apple.SearchKit 1.0.5      
0x910d3000 - 0x910fdfff com.apple.Metadata 10.4.4 (121.36)     
0x9110e000 - 0x9111cfff libz.1.dylib    /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
0x9111f000 - 0x912dafff com.apple.security 4.5 (28992) 
0x913d8000 - 0x913e1fff com.apple.DiskArbitration 2.1  
0x913e8000 - 0x91410fff com.apple.SystemConfiguration 1.8.3    
0x91423000 - 0x9142efff libgcc_s.1.dylib        /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib
0x91433000 - 0x9143bfff libbsm.dylib    /usr/lib/libbsm.dylib
0x9143f000 - 0x914bafff com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 3.0.4
0x914f7000 - 0x914f7fff com.apple.ApplicationServices 10.4 (???)       
0x914f9000 - 0x91531fff com.apple.AE 1.5 (297) 
0x9154c000 - 0x91619fff com.apple.ColorSync 4.4.4      
0x9166e000 - 0x916fffff com.apple.print.framework.PrintCore 4.6 (177.13)       
0x91746000 - 0x917fdfff com.apple.QD 3.10.21 (???)     
0x9183a000 - 0x91898fff com.apple.HIServices 1.5.3 (???)       
0x918c7000 - 0x918ebfff com.apple.LangAnalysis 1.6.1   
0x918ff000 - 0x91924fff com.apple.FindByContent 1.5    
0x91937000 - 0x91979fff com.apple.LaunchServices 181   
0x91995000 - 0x919a9fff com.apple.speech.synthesis.framework 3.3       
0x919b7000 - 0x919f9fff com.apple.ImageIO.framework 1.5.0      
0x91a0f000 - 0x91ad7fff libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib   /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib
0x91b25000 - 0x91b3afff libcups.2.dylib         /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib
0x91b3f000 - 0x91b5dfff libJPEG.dylib  
0x91b63000 - 0x91bd2fff libJP2.dylib   
0x91be9000 - 0x91bedfff libGIF.dylib   
0x91bef000 - 0x91c4efff libRaw.dylib   
0x91c53000 - 0x91c90fff libTIFF.dylib  
0x91c97000 - 0x91cb0fff libPng.dylib   
0x91cb5000 - 0x91cb8fff libRadiance.dylib      
0x91cba000 - 0x91cbafff com.apple.Accelerate 1.2.2 (Accelerate 1.2.2)  
0x91cbc000 - 0x91da1fff com.apple.vImage 2.4   
0x91da9000 - 0x91dc8fff com.apple.Accelerate.vecLib 3.2.2 (vecLib 3.2.2)       
0x91e34000 - 0x91ea2fff libvMisc.dylib 
0x91ead000 - 0x91f42fff libvDSP.dylib  
0x91f5c000 - 0x924e4fff libBLAS.dylib  
0x92517000 - 0x92842fff libLAPACK.dylib        
0x92872000 - 0x928fafff com.apple.DesktopServices 1.3.4
0x9293b000 - 0x92b66fff com.apple.Foundation 6.4.6 (567.27)    
0x92c84000 - 0x92d62fff libxml2.2.dylib         /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
0x92d82000 - 0x92e70fff libiconv.2.dylib        /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
0x92e82000 - 0x92ea0fff libGL.dylib    
0x92eab000 - 0x92f05fff libGLU.dylib   
0x92f23000 - 0x92f23fff com.apple.Carbon 10.4 (???)    
0x92f25000 - 0x92f39fff com.apple.ImageCapture 3.0     
0x92f51000 - 0x92f61fff com.apple.speech.recognition.framework 3.4     
0x92f6d000 - 0x92f82fff com.apple.securityhi 2.0 (203) 
0x92f94000 - 0x9301bfff com.apple.ink.framework 101.2 (69)     
0x9302f000 - 0x9303afff com.apple.help 1.0.3 (32)      
0x93044000 - 0x93071fff com.apple.openscripting 1.2.5 (???)    
0x9308b000 - 0x9309bfff com.apple.print.framework.Print 5.0 (190.1)    
0x930a7000 - 0x9310dfff com.apple.htmlrendering 1.1.2  
0x9313e000 - 0x9318dfff com.apple.NavigationServices 3.4.4 (3.4.3)     
0x931bb000 - 0x931d8fff com.apple.audio.SoundManager 3.9       
0x931ea000 - 0x931f7fff com.apple.CommonPanels 1.2.2 (73)      
0x93200000 - 0x9350dfff com.apple.HIToolbox 1.4.8 (???)
0x9365c000 - 0x93668fff com.apple.opengl 1.4.7 
0x9366d000 - 0x9368dfff com.apple.DirectoryService.Framework 3.1       
0x93700000 - 0x93720fff libmx.A.dylib   /usr/lib/libmx.A.dylib
0x93726000 - 0x93726fff com.apple.Cocoa 6.4 (???)      
0x93728000 - 0x93d5bfff com.apple.AppKit 6.4.7 (824.41)
0x940e8000 - 0x94158fff com.apple.CoreData 80  
0x94191000 - 0x94254fff com.apple.audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox 1.4.3     
0x942a6000 - 0x942a6fff com.apple.audio.units.AudioUnit 1.4    
0x942a8000 - 0x9447bfff com.apple.QuartzCore 1.4.9     
0x944d1000 - 0x9450efff libsqlite3.0.dylib      /usr/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib
0x94516000 - 0x94566fff libGLImage.dylib       
0x945f7000 - 0x9462ffff com.apple.vmutils 4.0.0 (85)   
0x94672000 - 0x9468efff com.apple.securityfoundation 2.2 (27710)       
0x946a2000 - 0x946e6fff com.apple.securityinterface 2.2 (27692)
0x9470a000 - 0x94719fff libCGATS.A.dylib       
0x94721000 - 0x9472dfff libCSync.A.dylib       
0x94773000 - 0x9478bfff libRIP.A.dylib 
0x94792000 - 0x94a61fff com.apple.QuickTime 7.1.3      
0x94b24000 - 0x94b95fff libstdc++.6.dylib       /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
0x94d0a000 - 0x94e3afff com.apple.AddressBook.framework 4.0.4 (485.1)  
0x94ecc000 - 0x94edbfff com.apple.DSObjCWrappers.Framework 1.1 
0x94ee3000 - 0x94f10fff com.apple.LDAPFramework 1.4.1 (69.0.1) 
0x94f17000 - 0x94f27fff libsasl2.2.dylib        /usr/lib/libsasl2.2.dylib
0x94f2b000 - 0x94f5afff libssl.0.9.7.dylib      /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.7.dylib
0x94f6a000 - 0x94f87fff libresolv.9.dylib       /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib
0x96113000 - 0x9613cfff libxslt.1.dylib         /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib
0x96ed8000 - 0x96f7bfff libcrypto.0.9.dylib     /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.dylib
0x97ca5000 - 0x97cb2fff com.apple.agl 2.5.6 (AGL-2.5.6)
0x9b1a5000 - 0x9b1dbfff com.apple.Syndication 1.0.6 (54)       
0x9b1f8000 - 0x9b20afff com.apple.SyndicationUI 1.0.6 (54)     
0xc0000000 - 0xc000ffff com.unsanity.ape 2.0.1 

Model: PowerMac8,2, BootROM 5.2.5f1, 1 processors, PowerPC G5  (3.1), 2 GHz,
512 MB
Graphics: ATI Radeon 9600, ATY,RV351, AGP, 128 MB
Memory Module: DIMM0/J4000, 512 MB, DDR SDRAM, PC3200U-30330
AirPort: AirPort Extreme, 405.1 (
Modem: Jump, , V.92, Version 1.0, 
Bluetooth: Version 1.7.8f2, 2 service, 1 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
Serial ATA Device: WDC WD1600JD-40HBC0, 149.05 GB
Parallel ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-845, 
USB Device: Bluetooth HCI, , Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500 mA
USB Device: Hub in Apple Pro Keyboard, Mitsumi Electric, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 500
USB Device: Apple Optical USB Mouse, Mitsumi Electric, Up to 1.5 Mb/sec, 100 mA
USB Device: Apple Pro Keyboard, Mitsumi Electric, Up to 12 Mb/sec, 250 mA

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