[webkit-reviews] review denied: [Bug 40228] Web Inspector: Enable serialization/deserialization of the frontend state : [Attachment 58138] [PATCH] Implemented suggested naming convention

bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org
Tue Jun 8 12:41:29 PDT 2010

Pavel Feldman <pfeldman at chromium.org> has denied Alexander Pavlov (apavlov)
<apavlov at chromium.org>'s request for review:
Bug 40228: Web Inspector: Enable serialization/deserialization of the frontend

Attachment 58138: [PATCH] Implemented suggested naming convention

------- Additional Comments from Pavel Feldman <pfeldman at chromium.org>
I'm going to be a bit more picky than Joe.

 +	m_inspectorController->setSessionSettings(settings);
Just as above, you should always test for inspector's availability prior to
calling into it. InspectorBackend is refcounted due to being the binding. It
can exist after the page + inspector controller are removed. r- for this one.

 +  void InspectorController::setSessionSettings(const String& settings)
I'd call parameter settingsJSON

 +  void InspectorController::setSessionSettings(const String& settings)
Also, I think this API should be setSetting(name, value) + we probably should
do the same for application settings. I am sure I mentioned it in one of the
previous reviews.

 +	String setting(const String& key) const;
These are now worth renaming in case they are internal (not sure they are
though - could you pleaes check the clients first? I remember some WebKit code
using these).

 +	WebInspector.sessionSettings._load(settingsString);
Will this work without installing settings explicitly as above?

 +		var store = JSON.stringify(this._store);
So making it setSettung(name, value) gets tricky due to this code. But I think
we should do the same to the application settings. Something like
InspectorBackend.saveSetting(name, value, isSession).

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