[webkit-reviews] review denied: [Bug 39725] [Chromium] Dragging over an element with scrollbars should scroll the element when dragging near edges : [Attachment 57634] patch v2

bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org
Wed Jun 2 15:29:20 PDT 2010

Darin Fisher (:fishd, Google) <fishd at chromium.org> has denied MORITA Hajime
<morrita at google.com>'s request for review:
Bug 39725: [Chromium] Dragging over an element with scrollbars should scroll
the element when dragging near edges

Attachment 57634: patch v2

------- Additional Comments from Darin Fisher (:fishd, Google)
<fishd at chromium.org>
 +	virtual void dragSourceMovedTo(const WebPoint& clientPoint, const
WebPoint& screenPoint, WebDragOperation) = 0;
nit: please use the same formatting as dragSourceEndedAt

 +  void WebViewImpl::dragSourceMovedTo(
nit: this method impl should be placed after dragSourceEndedAt
to match the declaration order.

nit: only one new line between method impls.

 +  static IntSize distanceTo(const WebCore::IntPoint& point, const
WebCore::IntRect& rect)
nit: no need for WebCore:: prefix since there is a using namespace WebCore
at the top of this file.  also, please move static helper functions up to
the top of the file after the static data declarations.

 +  static IntSize distanceTo(const WebCore::IntPoint& point, const
WebCore::IntRect& rect)
nit: how about naming this distanceToRect?

how about this as a comment:
// Computes the distance from a point outside a rect to the nearest edge of the

(I would also assert that the point is not contained within the rect if that
is indeed appropriate.)

 +	WebCore::FrameView* view = mainFrameImpl()->frameView();
nit: no WebCore:: prefix needed

 +	static const int kScrollMargin = 30;
nit: constants should not have the k prefix.  just do scrollMargin.

 +	virtual void dragSourceMovedTo(const WebPoint& clientPoint, const
WebPoint& screenPoint, WebDragOperation);
please list this method in the same order that it is declared
in WebView.h

 +  void WebViewImpl::scrollForDragging(const WebPoint& clientPoint)
this method should be defined just above hideSelectPopup() so that
the order of methods in the .cpp file matches the order of the
methods in the .h file.

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