[webkit-reviews] review denied: [Bug 41569] [Chromium] Expose basic DOM information in WebAccessibilityObject : [Attachment 60454] Fix style errors in previous patch.

bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org
Wed Jul 7 08:57:02 PDT 2010

Darin Fisher (:fishd, Google) <fishd at chromium.org> has denied Dominic Mazzoni
<dmazzoni at google.com>'s request for review:
Bug 41569: [Chromium] Expose basic DOM information in WebAccessibilityObject

Attachment 60454: Fix style errors in previous patch.

------- Additional Comments from Darin Fisher (:fishd, Google)
<fishd at chromium.org>
 +	WEBKIT_API void attributeAt(unsigned index, WebString* name, WebString*
value) const;
nit: webkit style is to use reference types for out params:  WebString& name,
WebString& value

 +	WEBKIT_API WebString documentUrl() const;
nit: documentUrl -> documentURL

but, why do you need to expose these document properties?  Why not just
expose WebDocument (and add properties to it as needed)?
 +	Node* node = renderObject->node();
instead of exposing a tagName property, how about just exposing
a WebNode getter?  then, the consumer can call WebNode::nodeName.

 +	if (!node || !node->hasAttributes())
this also feels like something that should be provided by exposing
an attributes getter on WebElement.  Use the WebNodeList type.

 +  WebString WebAccessibilityObject::documentUrl() const
this method should definitely be eliminated in favor of accessing
the related WebNode, and then query its document.  from the
WebDocument you can get the WebFrame, and that has a "url" property.

 +	return document->title();
eliminate this method in favor of querying WebDocument::title.

 +	if (document && document->isXHTMLDocument())
WebDocument already has an isXHTMLDocument accessor

 +	DocumentType* doctype = document->doctype();
please expose a "WebDocumentType WebDocument::docType()" accessor.
that means creating the WebDocumentType class and adding the methods
to it that you need (just name for now).  it is fairly easy to 
create a new subclass of WebNode.  just look at WebDocument and
WebElement to see good examples of it.

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