[webkit-reviews] review denied: [Bug 22443] XMLHttpRequest's PreflightResultCache should be thread-safe. : [Attachment 25407] The make the XMLHttpRequest PreflightResultCache thread-safe.

bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org bugzilla-daemon at webkit.org
Mon Nov 24 00:09:51 PST 2008

Alexey Proskuryakov <ap at webkit.org> has denied David Levin
<levin at chromium.org>'s request for review:
Bug 22443: XMLHttpRequest's PreflightResultCache should be thread-safe.

Attachment 25407: The make the XMLHttpRequest PreflightResultCache thread-safe.

------- Additional Comments from Alexey Proskuryakov <ap at webkit.org>
> Index: WebCore/ChangeLog
> +	Made the PreflightResultCache thread-safe in preparation for usage of
XMLHttpRequest by
> +	Workers on threads.

Please replace tabs with spaces here and elsewhere in ChangeLog.


This line is just a reminder for the author - you can either delete it, or add
an explanation of why there are no tests (in this case, there is no observable
change in behavior).

>	   Since the event loop is not ever entered again in this case, the fix
necessarily involves
> -	   some shared data hackery.
> +	   Some shared data hackery.

Why did you make this change?

> +static bool isMethodAllowed(const HashSet<String>& methods_allowed, const
String& method);
> +static bool areHeadersAllowed(const HeadersSet& headers_allowed, const
HTTPHeaderMap& requestHeaders);

I don't think that hiding the behavior in functions with such generic names
helps readability. There are several concepts of valid/safe/allowed headers and
requests for XMLHttpRequest, which can be confusing. We'll need to find more
specific names, or just keep the logic at call sites (I'd prefer the former,
but I don't have a suggestion for better names).

> +    static void appendEntry(String origin, KURL url, unsigned expiryDelta, 

This comes from existing code, but why aren't these const references?

I think that code would look better if PreflightResultCache methods were not

> +	   cache.m_preflightHashMap.set(std::make_pair(origin, url), item);

Map elements are used from multiple threads, but String refcounting is not
thread safe. You need to use deep copy: std::make_pair(origin.copy,
KURL(url.string().copy())), String copy constructor doesn't achieve this
effect. Now may be a good opportunity to add a deep copy method to KURL to
avoid the ugly and slow conversion via String.

> +	   return cache.canSkipPreflightImpl(origin, url, includeCredentials,
method, requestHeaders);

You wouldn't need a separate Impl function if PreflightResultCache methods were
not static. At call sites, they can be called e.g. as

Also, you've put method bodies in class definition, which implicitly makes them
inline. It doesn't look like these methods should be inline, so it would be
better to move their bodies out.

> +	     Locker<Mutex> lock(cache.m_mutex);

We have a MutexLocker typedef for Locker<Mutex>.

> +	    PreflightResultCacheItem(unsigned expiryDelta, bool credentials,
HashSet<String>* methods, HeadersSet* headers)
> +		: m_absoluteExpiryTime(currentTime() + expiryDelta)
> +		, m_credentials(credentials)
> +		, m_methods(methods)
> +		, m_headers(headers)

All Strings should be deep copied in PreflightResultCacheItem constructor, too.

> +	    OwnPtr<HeadersSet > m_headers;

Unneeded extra space after HeadersSet.

> +	static bool doesCacheAllowRequest(const PreflightResultCacheItem& item,
bool includeCredentials, const String& method, const HTTPHeaderMap&

The name is misleading - this method doesn't check if the cache allows the
request, it just checks a single cache item. Also, it doesn't sound like
correct English grammar - you don't say "if does cache allow request".

r- for missing deep copy calls.

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