[webkit-reviews] review denied: [Bug 3245] Support the 'bdo' element : [Attachment 3855] Handle BDO in HTMLElementImpl and only there

bugzilla-request-daemon at opendarwin.org bugzilla-request-daemon at opendarwin.org
Sat Sep 10 16:41:01 PDT 2005

Dave Hyatt <hyatt at apple.com> has denied opendarwin.org at mitzpettel.com's request
for review:
Bug 3245: Support the 'bdo' element

Attachment 3855: Handle BDO in HTMLElementImpl and only there

------- Additional Comments from Dave Hyatt <hyatt at apple.com>
The mapped attribute table is a cache from an attribute name and value pair to
a style declaration that holds the desired CSS properties and values that you
want the attribute/value pair to map to.

In this case, dir on the <bdo> tag has a different meaning than on all other
HTML elements.	This means that the mapped attribute cache needs two distinct
entries for dir, one for <bdo> and one for all other HTML elements.

This is the reason that the mapToEntry function returns the set of enumerated
constants like eUniversal.  You need to make <bdo> use a new enumerated
constant (e.g., eBDO) for the dir attribute so that it is cached separately
from dir attributes on other elements.	Otherwise the mapped attribute cache
might incorrectly hand back the wrong mapped attribute style declaration for
your element (e.g., treating an HTML element like <bdo> or <bdo> like another
HTML element).

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