[webkit-qt] Qtwebkit 5.212 setuserstylesheet() is taking 7seconds time first time on startup

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Wed Dec 2 10:40:11 PST 2020

02.12.2020, 13:11, "Ramakanth Kesireddy" <rama.kesi at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> Do we need to initialize QWebcore to load the stylesheet fast for the first time?

No. However, stylesheet may work faster if it's referenced as CSS file from page itself instead of being user stylesheet (e.g. using file:/ or qrc:/ url).

> In UI app, user stylesheet is being set from child or worker pthread where QApplication instance is created unlike sample app. Not sure if it makes any difference in applying the stylesheet though.

QWebSettings must be used in the same thread where QWebPage/QWebView were created, it is not thread-safe.

> Inorder to debug further in Qtwebkit sources and use QWebInspector with UIApp, do we need to use Debug mode in cmake build type?

No, inspector is intended to be fully functional in release builds.


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