[webkit-qt] Interfaces to whitelist origins in QtWebkit API (your thoughts please!)

Saha, Deepjyoti DeepjyotiS at nds.com
Fri Mar 15 03:40:35 PDT 2013

Hello Developers!

I would like to get your opinion/viewpoint on the following:

The QtWebkit API set in Qt 4.8 does not contain any intefraces which could allow a QtWebkit based browser to add/remove specific domains to be whitelisted for cross origin requests.  I understand that previosly these API's were exposed through the intefraces in "QWebSecurityOrigin" which invoked the  API's in WebCore's SecurityOrigin class. But currently the API's to add/remove a whitelist entry are exposed through WebCore's SecurityPolicy class and there are no interfaces in QtWebkit API to invoke the same.

I aslo noticed there was a bug raised and it was discussed in the following thread:

But it has not been implemented yet. It would be great if you could let me could know of any particluar reason this was not taken up ?
To be specific were there any concerns from the  security standpoint on exposing such interfaces ?

Also I noticed that there have been similar implementation in the chrome and EFL port.


Deepjyoti Saha


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