[webkit-qt] MathMl support

Zoltan Arvai zarvai at inf.u-szeged.hu
Fri Jun 28 14:01:14 PDT 2013

Hello Denis!

I checked Tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/features.pri and I found 
ENABLE_MATHML=0, that means it is currenlty turned off. Here you can 
enable it for your local build.
Also there is a bug about enabling MathML: 
Allan tried to enable it in the trunk, but that made trouble on Win 
build, so it was rolled out.


2013.06.28. 20:53 keltezéssel, Denis Mihailovich írta:
> Hello.
> I'd like to have MathML support in the current QtWebKit for Qt5. I 
> know that WebKit supports it now. It is not a full support of course, 
> but it would be enough for me. I built Qt5 and QtWebKit, I ran the 
> browser example, but it doesn't render MathMl. Why? I looked through 
> the config files and saw that building with MathMl turned on. If it's 
> off how can I turn it on?
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