[webkit-qt] QtWebKit 2.3.1 on MIPS

Massimo Callegari massimocallegari at yahoo.it
Wed Apr 24 03:46:30 PDT 2013

I've finally been able to build QtWebKit 2.3.1 over Qt 4.8.4.
The issue I was having yesterday was due to sqlite-dev missing in my environment, not blocking the build process and leading to an error report which took me hours to solve.

I am now compiling on a MIPS board and using DirectFB as rendering engine. So far, graphics performances are very good.
Unfortunately JavaScript ones are not, so I've got 2 options:

- V8 engine: it seems it has been abandoned for WebKit1 and it is the default on Qt5/WebKit2. Is this correct or is there still a way to use V8 on QtWebKit 2.3.1 (like the old option --v8) ?

- JSC MIPS: reading around, I've seen it should be possible to use MIPS assembler code into JavaScriptCore. Anyone knows how I can do it?
Right now I'm passing -mips32 flag but it seems to be not enough. Shoud I add -march=mips or something similar to enable CPU(MIPS) into JSC ?

Thanks and regards,
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