[webkit-qt] Possible race condition in QWebPage deletion?

Balazs Kelemen kbalazs at webkit.org
Sat May 19 04:07:33 PDT 2012

I recommend you to file a bug and attach the backtraces there.
There are some instructions how to create a good bug report: 

On 05/19/2012 11:41 AM, wargand at gmx.de wrote:
> Hiya,
> I have a very ugly problem, and I am more and more sure it might be not
> my code.
> I used a QWebPage to render a page into an image. More or less my code
> looks like the example here: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qwebpage.html
> The only difference is that my QWebPage is created on the heap, not on
> the stack. After the image is rendered I do a page->deleteLater().
> Under Linux I have no problems at all. I instantiate and delete several
> hundred QWebPages within an hour. The program runs without any problems
> at least for eight hours.
> Now I also want to run it on OS X. I have two Macs to test. On one it
> reproducably crashes within the first two minutes. The other, same code
> crashes totally unpredictably. Sometimes after ten minutes, sometimes
> after an hour.
> The core file always shows only the main function of my programm, an then
> dies somewhere in the webkit/apple libs.
> What I suspect is that there is a race condition after my deleteLater().
> Some parts of the QWebPage trying to execute already dead parts. But I
> must admit, the webkit internals are way beyond my field.
> Any ideas? Anyone interested in a backtrace? Small compilable example
> isn't really helpful this time, it it really is a race condition.
> Guido
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