[webkit-qt] Qt5 configure works wrong with -sysroot parameter

Árvai Zoltán zarvai at inf.u-szeged.hu
Fri May 11 05:18:42 PDT 2012

Hi All,

There is a serious problem with Qt5 configure when we are building in 
cross-compiling environment. It makes bad values for header file paths.

/ /home/azbest/swork-cross/qt5/qtbase/configure -fast -nomake demos 
-nomake examples -nomake tests -developer-build -opensource 
-confirm-license -xplatform linux-g++-maemo -force-pkg-config -arch arm 
-no-pch -sysroot 
-release -separate-debug-info/

If we search for sysroot parameter value in generated files, we will see 
the problem:
/ /home/azbest////swork-cross/qt5$ grep -R 
"harmattan_sysroot_10.2011.34-1_slim" */

Wrong paths in a lot of files, e.g.:
/qtxmlpatterns/src/xmlpatterns/Makefile:     -$(DEL_FILE) -r 

This will cause strange error messages when we try to build 
qt-components or QtWebKit:
fatal error: QtCore/qglobal.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated./

because some include path is wrong:

it should be:

full build log (qt5 r29 + qt-components) can be found at:

It seems that Qt5 r25 was still ok 
(5efc1e72fe916bbab53ed07c472dc82546856cde) but r26 ( 
7d0327830bb4768753cb0c14a23d98fed08be7d2) had this problem.

Has anyone an idea what can cause this include path problem and how can 
it be fixed?

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