[webkit-qt] Switching image decoders from Qt to WebCore

Tor Arne Vestbø tor.arne.vestbo at nokia.com
Fri May 4 07:48:11 PDT 2012

Note that on OSX this is busted, as libpng and libjpeg are not available 
out of the box AFAIK. Also, the current code does not use pkg-config for 
the lib and includes, so even if installing through macports the 
config-tests (and build, if it came to that) will fail because the 
headers and libs are not found in default-locations.

Unless there's some way we can use the stuff that lives in 
this means that on Mac we'll have a hard dependency on 3 packages not 
available on the system by default:

  - pkg-config
  - libpng
  - libjpg

Anyone know how the Chromium Mac and Apple Mac builds handle this?

tor arne

On 04.05.12 15:51, Zoltan Horvath wrote:
> Hey,
> I would like to announce that I landed my patch from bug
> http://webkit.org/b/80400, so we switched the default imagedecoder from
> Qt to WebCore for the Qt-port.
> Revision: http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/116085
> Svn-file-property-fix: http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/116086
> This change adds two hard dependencies:
> - libjpeg-dev
> - libpng-dev
> (WebCore imagedecoders use the headers from these.)
> Please install these on the bots, and on your workstations! (We have
> installed them already on Szeged-bots.)
> Now the default behavior became to use the WebCore imagedecoder if the
> image format is supported by WebCore, and fallback to QImageDecoder in
> every other case.
>  From this change we support the progressive loading of images for the
> Qt-port. Yeawh! :-)
> If anybody has problems with the change, please let me know!
> Thanks,
> <Zoltan> Horvath

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