[webkit-qt] Memory Consumption Qt4 vs Qt5

Hausmann Simon Simon.Hausmann at digia.com
Wed Dec 19 12:19:49 PST 2012


I have the feeling that the increased memory consumption during bridge use might be the result of us making more use of the GC heap for temporaries. Triggering GC manually would be one way of testing that.

Regarding the regular memory usage I'm very surprised. Do you produce the numbers you posted with your little test app, meaning just starting and showing the window already gets you to 24 mb?

(I haven't made the time yet to try to reproduce that but I'll try soon under Linux)


"Rethmeier, Eike" <eike.rethmeier at wincor-nixdorf.com> wrote:

[ Win7 and WinXP, Visual Studio 2010 ]

I just saw that QtWebKit in Qt5 RC2 let the memory consumption increase by factor 3 (7MB to approx. 24 MB). When doing some testing with the JS bridge (sending data from JS to C++ ) the memory consumption in Qt5 even grew up to a factor of 6 or 7 (step by step to approx 45MB, and it did not go down anymore), while in Qt4 there was almost no memory increase (finally 8 or 9MB).
I used my very simple test program which  I attached at bug https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=104540

Did you also experience such a high memory consumption?


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