[webkit-qt] Issues when building Qt5 + QtComponents + QtWebKit trunk for N9 development

Bruno Abinader brunoabinader at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 09:28:43 PDT 2012

Hi all,
I had some issues when following the the tutorial on
http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/SettingUpDevelopmentEnvironmentForN9 and
would like to share these useful information for people who had
similar problems when compiling it using MADDE and browser-scripts:

1. Issues

1.1 qstring.h:250: note: the mangling of 'va_list' has changed in GCC 4.4
FIX: Use -Wno-psabi

2. Build steps

2.1 Stop scratchbox-core service (avoid lrelease ARM binary being
called from sbox misc_runner)
$ sudo service scratchbox-core stop

2.2 Qt5 translations (using lrelease from Qt5 Desktop - make sure to
load Qt5 Desktop envvars):
$ cd <QT5_DIR>/qttranslations/translations
$ for file in `ls *ts`; do lrelease $file -qm `echo "$file" | sed
's/ts$/qm/'`; done

2.3 libedit dependency from qtjsondb
For this, you need to disable compilation of
$ sed -i 's/jsondb-client//' <QT5_DIR>/qtjsondb/tools/tools.pro

2.4 Symbolic links

2.4.1 <QT5_DIR>/qtbase/include path (qtlocation)
$ ln -s <QT5_DIR>/qtbase/include

2.4.2 <QT5_DIR>/qtbase/mkspecs path (WebKit)
$ ln -s <QT5_DIR>/qtbase/mkspecs

For anyone who is playing with this, did you found similar issues?

Best regards,

Bruno de Oliveira Abinader

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