[webkit-qt] For WebKit2 developers - newer Qt5, bug fixing

Alexis Menard alexis.menard at openbossa.org
Tue Oct 4 08:55:10 PDT 2011

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 12:37 PM, Ariya Hidayat <ariya.hidayat at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well at least Nokia will probably not release anything on top of
>> WebKit1 trunk. And so far nobody stepped up to take over the
>> maintenance.
> That does not mean nobody is using it.

True. I was talking about the fact that *we* Nokia or related should
focus on what matters for Nokia which now WebKit2 and Qt5. In the
other hand we don't break the old code so everyone is happy.

> I am fairly sure a lot of customers use Qt (and its WebKit
> integration) precisely because they don't want to assemble their own
> module. Not everyone sells and buys furnitures like IKEA.

Do you think they compile their own QtWebKit from webkit.org trunk?
You do but not everyone.

I don't think so, they take the one inside Qt or the QtWebKit branch
worst case. So far the last release Nokia did was QtWebKit 2.2 and it
will be part of Qt 4.8. I don't think there will be a Qt 4.9 directly
from Nokia (if it happens it would be through the open governance
model) but if it happens then it's up to whoever to make the
integration back to Qt (will it be 2.2 or a new trunk import, it's up
to them to decide) but soon at some point this option will not be
possible as we may one day remove all the burden of qmake QTDIR_build
we have in WebKit pro files. At some point for the QtWebKit that will
ship in Qt 5.0 we'll have to move to "build-webkit" and the old API
willlll still be available the way they are for a bit of time probably
so do not worry.

Now I'm very happy if someone wants to maintain QtWebKit1 in trunk,
what I meant is that we the limited ressources we have and the
expectations of our respective companies put on us, we should focus on
what we can.

> --
> Ariya Hidayat, http://ariya.ofilabs.com

Alexis Menard (darktears)
Software Engineer
INdT Recife Brazil

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