[webkit-qt] debug builds

simon.hausmann at nokia.com simon.hausmann at nokia.com
Mon Nov 21 22:12:09 PST 2011


I've been trying make debug builds on Linux more usable. Currently touching a file in WebKit2 for example requires
re-linking libwebkit2.a and then libqtwekbit.so - which in turn has to unpack all the static library archives again. It's taking
ages with debug builds. I landed the result of a discuss-over-lunch idea to speed this up for the purpose of development.
It's highly experimental, but it might help you become more productive:

    build-webkit --qt --debug --qmakearg="CONFIG+=force_static_libs_as_shared"

It will turn all those jsc/wc/wk2 static libraries into shared libraries (that are reasonably quick to link) and thus also avoids
relinking libqtwebkit.so. The downside is that this disables all symbol hiding, so try a build without this flag before landing
API related changes that affect exports.


P.S.: On my workstation touching a file WK2 gives a ~10 seconds cycle for incremental builds and about ~50 seconds
when touching a file in WebCore.

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