[webkit-qt] [Checklist Report] Week 19.

Alexis Menard alexis.menard at openbossa.org
Mon May 9 06:47:59 PDT 2011

Machine: Mac Snow Leopard
Qt (4.7): d94a8aba64a9b3d3e2ecff943d3c717d68074e36
Qt mobility 1.1: 5bf3443b7f0efce73644c1e311c4a22794656b38
WebKit: 85959

 1 - Go to gmail.com (https version), log in, browse some mails, start
a chat: OK

 2 - Go to facebook.com, log in, browse some friends and pictures,
start a chat: OK

 3 - Go to youtube.com, launch some videos in flash (check the sound
too): Couldn't load the flash plugin. I installed it but It couldn't

 4 - Go to youtube.com/html5, join the html5 trial and browse a video
rendered in html5 (check the sound): half OK. Sometimes the videos
don't start until I reload the page a couple of times.

 5 - Uploading an image to imgur.com works as expected: OK

 6 - Go to  http://www.html5rocks.com/ and play with the site
(interactive presentation): OK (except the playback of the audio

 7 - Go to  http://mugtug.com/sketchpad/ and play with it. Does it
work as expected?: OK

 8 - Go to  http://tiny.cc/wkmedia and play with the videos, try
different formats and check the sound, try seeking, try changing the
volume as well as switching fullscreen: OK.

Bug reports :

https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60464 (Flash).
https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60465 (Audio files not playing).

PS : It was for last week (the compilation took more time than
expected). This week is caio.

Alexis Menard
Software Engineer
INdT Recife Brazil

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