[webkit-qt] Some functions of jQuery do not work

Thanh NGUYEN u.nguyenthanh at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 14:10:22 PDT 2011

Hi all,

I am trying to write some html pages using jQuery library. When I load html
page in an application webkit (qgraphicswebview) on PC, the page is loaded
correctly. But on my embedded platform (STi710x) with directfb & qt, the
page is not loaded correcty with the same application webkit. I remarked
that some functions do not work such as :

.children(':eq(3)') ==> i had to change to : children().eq()

Anyone can explain me why ? What happened please ?

And with the same simple page, same application webkit, but the performance
is very bad on embedded platform ? page load is very slow and flicking. In
your opinion, how can I improve it ?

Thanks in advance


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