[webkit-qt] Patchs present in Qt but not in QtWebKit

Ademar Reis ademar.reis at openbossa.org
Thu Feb 10 08:58:51 PST 2011

Hi Janne.

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 5:02 AM, Koskinen Janne
<Janne.P.Koskinen at digia.com> wrote:
>>f234f24 Fixed handling of QInputMethodEvents with nonzero
> I see from the bugzilla entry that you have pushed this to QtWebkit 2.1. It didn't end up in trunk?
> There is trunk version of the patch in the bugzilla entry Bug 49787.

In this case it did land on trunk and, in a different form, on 2.1.x.
But it was not fixed in 2.0 (where it sould be before getting to
qt-4.7/src/3rdparty/webkit/) nor in 2.1.

Just to make it clear: there should be no patches added on
qt-4.7/src/3rdparty/webkit/. We should have commits on our qtwebkit
repositories and only imports/syncs on the qt repositories (commits
like "Update QtWebKit to <SHA1>"). Unfortunately there's no mechanism
in place to prevent that, AFAIK.

Today I should start to have it all cleaned up (quite busy these days,
but this afternoon is reserved for that) :-)

  - Ademar

Ademar de Souza Reis Jr. <ademar.reis at openbossa.org>
OpenBossa - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia

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