[webkit-qt] Minutes from the Status Meeting in #qtwebkit on Freenode IRC network

Qt WebKit StatusBot qtwebkit-statusbot at openbossa.org
Mon Dec 12 06:56:12 PST 2011

  * elproxy status: got sliders to work with touch in a pretty hackish way, needs to think of something better
  * ahf status Getting an overview of what I should try to upstream over the next week. Started thinking about a mini-framework to simulate touch events for testing purpose.
  * TwistO status: debugging WebGLRenderingContext.cpp
  * tronical status: reviewing patches, working on QTBUG-23099 (QJSEngine cannot be used from threads other than the gui thread)
  * kkristof status: continue the debugging of the drt
  * Smith status: I try to finish my pixel-test and plugins issue
  * zalan status: fixed firstVisuallyNonEmptyLayout event vs. PageCache issue. trying to come up with a layouttest for that.
  * kbalazs status: get alive minibrowser on the n9 with the help of azbest_hu, now updating to go over the GL bug
  * hugopl status: Back on webkit; updating env. and taking a look on failing qt5-wk2 layout tests.
  * darktears status : expense report, administrative task, bot update, nothing really fancy :(
  * andris88 status: cross-build Qt5 to ARM without scratchbox
  * laknudse status looking at requestAnimationFrame + some animation bugs
  * azbest_hu status: rsync script for copying qt and webkit files to N9 created, now continue amazon ec2 build environment setup
  * mibrunin status updating viewportInfo patch, trying to figure out why qquickwebview test fails on bot
  * zalbisser status : still custom URL schemes + some clang related stuff on the side.
  * Zoltan status: meetings
  * zherczeg status: css tokenizer
  * bbandix status: fix mapping in new pinching concept
  * jeez_ status landing startDrag soon, qtwebpageproxy murder with cmarcelo, general api talking with qml folks, and something else api related later
  * torarne status: hacking on harmattan components for qt5
  * cmarcelo status: landed custom qml, trying to kill qtwebpageproxy today with jeez_, hybrid stuff on the background.
  * reni_ status: resolving smaller FIXMEs and continuing work on external resources

Missing updates from: Ossy, igoroliveira, jprvita, jturcotte, kenneth_, kling, lmoura, loki04, luck, mulvad, rafaelbrandao, setanta, tczene

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