[webkit-qt] Font fast path implementation status

Ademar Reis ademar.reis at openbossa.org
Thu Aug 18 05:45:06 PDT 2011

On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Loïc Yhuel
<loic.yhuel_ext at softathome.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I see some work has been done to use QRawFont API from Qt 4.8 in QtWebKit,
> but the code is still disabled.
> Are you waiting for Qt 4.8.0 release, or is there still work to do to make
> it work properly ?
> Will this code be enabled for QtWebKit 2.2 ? (Currently it doesn't build on
> this branch, since the QGlyphs -> QGlyphRun API changes are only on trunk).

There are no plans to enable it in QtWebKit-2.2. It'll be enabled in
trunk sometime in the future. Probably after Qt-4.8 is released or at
least when the developers consider it stable enough.

   -  Ademar

Ademar de Souza Reis Jr. <ademar.reis at openbossa.org>
Nokia Institute of Technology

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