[webkit-qt] QtWebKit-2.1.1-beta1

Bernhard Rosenkraenzer br at blankpage.ch
Wed Apr 27 08:58:26 PDT 2011

Works well in X11 (with current Qt 4.7 branch on x86_64 linux), even passes acid3.

The only problem I've seen there so far is that the video tag doesn't work (phonon works ok otherwise).

Doesn't even compile with Qt for Embedded Linux (also with current Qt 4.7 branch on x86_64 linux) though:

obj/release/CSSParser.o: In function `WebCore::cssPropertyID(unsigned short const*, unsigned int)':
CSSParser.cpp:(.text._ZN7WebCoreL13cssPropertyIDEPKtj+0x1f2): undefined reference to `findProperty(char const*, unsigned int)'
obj/release/CSSParser.o: In function `WebCore::cssValueKeywordID(WebCore::CSSParserString const&)':
CSSParser.cpp:(.text._ZN7WebCore17cssValueKeywordIDERKNS_15CSSParserStringE+0x13b): undefined reference to `findValue(char const*, unsigned int)'
obj/release/HTMLEntityParser.o: In function `WebCore::consumeHTMLEntity(WebCore::SegmentedString&, bool&, unsigned short)':
HTMLEntityParser.cpp:(.text._ZN7WebCore17consumeHTMLEntityERNS_15SegmentedStringERbt+0x3d6): undefined reference to `findEntity(char const*, unsigned int)'
HTMLEntityParser.cpp:(.text._ZN7WebCore17consumeHTMLEntityERNS_15SegmentedStringERbt+0x440): undefined reference to `findEntity(char const*, unsigned int)'
obj/release/HTMLDocument.o: In function `WebCore::HTMLDocument::determineParseMode()':
HTMLDocument.cpp:(.text._ZN7WebCore12HTMLDocument18determineParseModeEv+0x1c8): undefined reference to `findDoctypeEntry(char const*, unsigned int)'
obj/release/LegacyHTMLDocumentParser.o: In function `WebCore::LegacyHTMLDocumentParser::parseEntity(WebCore::SegmentedString&, unsigned short*&, WebCore::LegacyHTMLDocumentParser::State, unsigned int&, bool, bool)':
LegacyHTMLDocumentParser.cpp:(.text._ZN7WebCore24LegacyHTMLDocumentParser11parseEntityERNS_15SegmentedStringERPtNS0_5StateERjbb+0x565): undefined reference to `findEntity(char const*, unsigned int)'
obj/release/LegacyHTMLDocumentParser.o: In function `WebCore::decodeNamedEntity(char const*)':
LegacyHTMLDocumentParser.cpp:(.text._ZN7WebCore17decodeNamedEntityEPKc+0x24): undefined reference to `findEntity(char const*, unsigned int)'
obj/release/LegacyPreloadScanner.o: In function `WebCore::LegacyPreloadScanner::consumeEntity(WebCore::SegmentedString&, bool&)':
LegacyPreloadScanner.cpp:(.text._ZN7WebCore20LegacyPreloadScanner13consumeEntityERNS_15SegmentedStringERb+0x5a5): undefined reference to `findEntity(char const*, unsigned int)'
LegacyPreloadScanner.cpp:(.text._ZN7WebCore20LegacyPreloadScanner13consumeEntityERNS_15SegmentedStringERb+0x649): undefined reference to `findEntity(char const*, unsigned int)'
obj/release/Color.o: In function `WebCore::findNamedColor(WebCore::String const&)':
Color.cpp:(.text._ZN7WebCoreL14findNamedColorERKNS_6StringE+0xc0): undefined reference to `findColor(char const*, unsigned int)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [../lib/libQtWebKit.so.4.8.1] Error 1

On Monday, April 25, 2011 22:54 CEST, Ademar Reis <ademar.reis at openbossa.org> wrote: 
> Hi there.
> 2.1.1 (from the 2.1.x branch) has been tagged as 2.1.1-beta1. If you
> are following the development of QtWebKit 2.1, it's a good idea to
> test this version on your environment and report anything which may be
> broken, as it'll be released soon (waiting for the green light) as an
> update on top of 2.1.0.
> The focus of the 2.1.1 release is HTML5 media (video/audio) on
> Meego/Symbian + general bugfixes. Although the targets are mobile
> platforms (the same of 2.1.0), tests and feedback on any environment
> are welcome, as always.
> The tag is named qtwebkit-2.1.1-beta1 and it can be downloaded from
> the usual place:
> http://gitorious.org/webkit/qtwebkit/trees/qtwebkit-2.1.1-beta1
> Cheers,
>     - Ademar
> -- 
> Ademar de Souza Reis Jr. <ademar.reis at openbossa.org>
> OpenBossa - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia
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