[webkit-qt] infinite loop while rendering this url
Tarandeep Singh
tarandeep at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 10:01:42 PDT 2011
On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 8:01 AM, Alexis Menard
<alexis.menard at openbossa.org>wrote:
> On Apr 25, 2011, at 7:22 PM, Tarandeep Singh wrote:
> I think webkit is entering into infinite loop while rendering this url-
> http://nzonlinemall.com/home.html
> I am using qt+webkit (qt-4.6.2) on Ubuntu 9.10
> My set up is simple-
> - create a webpage object
> - load this url
> - once load is finished, get the html and print it
> - delete the webpage
> it looks like loop happens when I try to delete the webpage. Webpage
> settings that I am using-
> page = new WebPage( );
> page->setViewportSize( QSize( 64000, 40000));
> I haven't looked more but without WebPage code I'm not sure what we can do.
> Also setting such sizes to the viewport is not very nice looking code :D.
I am sorry, I forgot to mention, webpage class is just a wrapper on
qwebpage, here is the code-
/////////////////////////// webpage.h ///////////////////////////
#ifndef WEBPAGE_H
#define WEBPAGE_H
#include <QWebPage>
#include <QWebFrame>
#include <QWebSettings>
#include <QNetworkRequest>
class WebPage : public QWebPage
WebPage( );
void setUserAgent( const QString&);
QString userAgentForUrl( const QUrl&) const;
void javaScriptAlert( QWebFrame*, const QString&);
bool javaScriptConfirm( QWebFrame*, const QString&);
void javaScriptConsoleMessage( const QString&, int, const QString&);
bool javaScriptPrompt( QWebFrame*, const QString&, const
public slots:
bool shouldInterruptJavaScript( );
QString userAgent;
//////////////////////// webpage.cpp
#include "webpage.h"
WebPage::WebPage( )
void WebPage::setUserAgent( const QString& ua)
this->userAgent = ua;
bool WebPage::shouldInterruptJavaScript( )
return true;
QString WebPage::userAgentForUrl( const QUrl& url) const
if( userAgent.isEmpty( ))
return QWebPage::userAgentForUrl( url);
return userAgent;
* This function is called whenever a javascript program running inside
* calls the alert() function with the message. Override the default
* impelementationa and don't do anything.
void WebPage::javaScriptAlert( QWebFrame*, const QString&)
// do nothing
* This function is called whenever a javascript program running inside
* calls the confirm() function with the message. Override the default
* implementation and return true.
bool WebPage::javaScriptConfirm( QWebFrame*, const QString&)
return true;
* This function is called whenever a javascript program running inside
* tries to prompt the user for input. Override the default implementation
* and return true.
bool WebPage::javaScriptPrompt( QWebFrame*, const QString&, const QString&,
return true;
* This function is called whenever a javascript program tries to print a
* message to the web browser's console. Override the default implementation
* and do nothing.
void WebPage::javaScriptConsoleMessage( const QString&, int, const QString&)
// do nothing
And high values for viewport are set for some specific reason - to handle
some of ajax loading of images.
> page->setNetworkAccessManager( nwManager);
> QWebHistory* history = page->history( );
> history->setMaximumItemCount( 0);
> QWebSettings* settings = page->settings( );
> settings->setAttribute( QWebSettings::JavaEnabled, false);
> settings->setAttribute( QWebSettings::JavascriptEnabled, true);
> settings->setAttribute( QWebSettings::JavascriptCanOpenWindows, false);
> settings->setAttribute( QWebSettings::JavascriptCanAccessClipboard,
> false);
> settings->setAttribute( QWebSettings::PrivateBrowsingEnabled, true);
> settings->setAttribute( QWebSettings::AutoLoadImages, false);
> settings->setAttribute( QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, false);
> settings->setAttribute( QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled, false);
> settings->setAttribute( QWebSettings::DnsPrefetchEnabled, true);
> settings->setAttribute( QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled, false);
> settings->setMaximumPagesInCache( 0);
> settings->setObjectCacheCapacities( 0, 0, 0);
> settings->setOfflineStorageDefaultQuota( 0);
> settings->setOfflineWebApplicationCacheQuota( 0);
> settings->setIconDatabasePath( "");
> Can someone please check and confirm.
> Thanks,
> Tarandeep
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