[webkit-qt] How do I style QWebKit combo-box menus?

Benjamin Poulain benjamin.poulain at nokia.com
Mon Sep 27 00:28:20 PDT 2010


On 09/24/2010 11:01 PM, ext Paul Pedriana wrote:
> The menu that appears on clicking a combo-box from QWebKit doesn't
> appear to be using the global application style sheet. It seems to be
> making font/color choices on its own.Is it possible to get QWebKit
> widgets to pay attention to style settings of our choice?

I suggest you to ask your question on the developer network's forums: 

This list is more about the development _of_ QtWebKit than about the 
development _with_ QtWebKit. (see 
http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/764/ ).


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