[webkit-qt] QWebPage::unsupportedContent(QNetworkReply* reply) --> reply only contains meta data?

Frank Fischer | MyDomicile.com GmbH frank.fischer at mydomicile.com
Tue Nov 16 03:27:59 PST 2010

Hi guys,


I’m still stuck to the problem, that the reply I got with the
“unsupportedContent” signal stays empty. Like before I wait for finish but
the data size is always 0 and the data are empty. Can anybody reproduce my
problem or has an Idea what’s the fault? 


Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Frank Fischer




MyDomicile.com GmbH

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 <mailto:frank.fischer at mydomicile.com> frank.fischer at mydomicile.com

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Von: webkit-qt-bounces at lists.webkit.org
[mailto:webkit-qt-bounces at lists.webkit.org] Im Auftrag von Frank Fischer |
MyDomicile.com GmbH
Gesendet: Montag, 27. September 2010 09:13
An: webkit-qt at lists.webkit.org
Betreff: [webkit-qt] QWebPage::unsupportedContent(QNetworkReply* reply) -->
reply only contains meta data?


Hi folks!


Unfortunately, the reply of the unsupportedContent Signal of the QWebPage in
QT4.7 doesn’t contain the data anymore but only meta data. How can I get the
data of that reply without requesting the Server again?


Kind regards,


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