[webkit-qt] Rebasing QtWebKit 2.0 on current trunk?

Andreas Kling andreas.kling at nokia.com
Mon Jun 14 04:58:02 PDT 2010

On 06/14/2010 07:41 AM, Hausmann Simon (Nokia-D-Qt/Oslo) wrote:
> I think the Qt 4.7 program would not accept any new features at this point.

Right. Too bad.

> The main blocking issue I can see right now for the release is the memory
> usage that is too high and in particular on low-memory Symbian devices causes
> crashes.
> On the other hand this issue doesn't fix itself, so maybe we should set up a
> team/task force to look for quick wins in terms of the memory usage.

Benjamin and I had planned to do exactly this for this week 24. :-)
Basically the plan is to:

1. cherry-pick the memory optimizations done by Apple for Safari 5
2. Generate a memory usage profile with QtWebKit's cycler test and do 
whatever we can to reduce it.


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