[webkit-help] WebKit Build Error
Aman Gupta
aman2304 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 22:42:52 PST 2012
I am trying to build WebKit on a 64 bit Windows 7 machine. I am using
Visual Studio 2005 professional edition. While building WebKit, Visual
Studio gives real time updates about the compilation status of each project
and file. While compiling the project "WebKit", I got the following error:
4>WebDatabaseManagerMessageReceiver.obj : error LNK2005: "public: static
bool __ cdecl CoreIPC::ArgumentCoder<class
WTF::String>::decode(class CoreIPC::ArgumentD
ecoder *,class WTF::String &)" (?decode@?$ArgumentCoder at VString@WTF@
@@CoreIPC@@S A_NPAVArgumentDecoder at 2
@AAVString at WTF@@@Z) already defined in ArgumentCoders.obj
4>WebMediaCacheManagerMessageReceiver.obj : error LNK2005: "public: static
bool __cdecl CoreIPC::ArgumentCoder<class
WTF::String>::decode(class CoreIPC::Argumen
tDecoder *,class WTF::String &)" (?decode@?$ArgumentCoder at VString@WTF@
@@CoreIPC@ @SA_NPAVArgumentDecoder at 2
@AAVString at WTF@@@Z) already defined in ArgumentCoders.o
4> Creating library
.lib and object
4>WebDatabaseManagerMessageReceiver.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved
external sym bol "public: bool __thiscall
CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder::decodeBytes(unsigned char
*,unsigned int)" (?decodeBytes at ArgumentDecoder@CoreIPC@@QAE_NPAEI at Z)
referenced in function "public: static bool
__cdecl CoreIPC::ArgumentCoder<class WTF::Stri
ng>::decode(class CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder *,class WTF::String &)"
gumentCoder at VString@WTF@@@CoreIPC@
@SA_NPAVArgumentDecoder at 2@AAVString at WTF@@@Z)
4>WebMediaCacheManagerMessageReceiver.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved
external s ymbol "public: bool __thiscall
CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder::decodeBytes(unsigned ch
ar *,unsigned int)" (?decodeBytes at ArgumentDecoder@CoreIPC@@QAE_NPAEI at Z)
4>WebCore.lib(JSBindingsAllInOne.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external
symbo l "public: static void __cdecl
ons(void)" (?deliverAllMutations at WebKitMutationObserver@WebCore@@SAXXZ)
referenc ed in function "private: static void
__cdecl WebCore::JSMainThreadExecState::did
LeaveScriptContext(void)" (?didLeaveScriptContext at JSMainThreadExecState
@WebCore@ @CAXXZ)
4>WebCore.lib(HTMLElementsAllInOne.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved
external sym bol "public: void __thiscall
onRouter::incrementScopingLevel(class WebCore::Node *)"
MutationAccumulationRouter at ChildListMutationScope@WebCore@@QAEXPAVNode at 3@@Z)
ref erenced in function "public: __thiscall
stMutationScope(class WebCore::Node *)" (??0ChildListMutationScope at WebCore
@@QAE@ PAVNode at 1@@Z)
Subsequent projects obviously failed to compile. Can anyone help me out
with this issue?
Aman Gupta
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