[webkit-help] IWebDocumentView and IWebDocumentRepresentation for Windows Apple Build

Sumedh vsbhogle at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 23:12:52 PDT 2011


I am using WebKit apple port for windows, i have extended the WinLauncher
project. I wanted to write my own protocol handler for particular mime type,
lets say "image/". I have implemented IWebDocumentView and
IWebDocumentRepresentation. As required, i am passing the pointer to the
objects of the respective classes to the RegisterViewClass method of
IWebView  object, now this method returns me E_NOTIMPL, which means the
method is not implemented,  Do i need to implement IWebView also? Is there
anything extra to be done to write my own handler for a particular mime

Meanwhile, my aim is to load all the resources from the memory, Idea is
something like this, all web pages, resources (js, images etc) resides in
some database, to be particular SQLITE. I want to read this resources and
pages from the blob, and render it on the WebView, from the memory. For
Internet Explorer, i have written similar kind of thing, implementing
IInternetProtocol, thanks to Igor. (
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa767883%28v=vs.85%29.aspx). Am i
following the right approach for the WebKit.

Sample Code:

   //Create WebView Instance
    hr = WebKitCreateInstance(CLSID_WebView, 0, IID_IWebView,

   //Create IWebDocumentView instance
    myWebDocumentView = new WinLauncherWebDocumentView();

   //Create IWebDocumentRepresentation Instance
    myWebDocumentRepresentation = new

    //Register the class
    hr = myWebView->registerViewClass(myWebDocumentView,
myWebDocumentRepresentation, L"image/");

In this case hr is E_NOTIMPL

EIN? (Please thell me if any extra Information Needed)

Dhanyawaad (Thanks)

Sumedh S Bhogle
Mumbai | Mob. 09969085122
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