[webkit-help] Formstate in Frameloader.cpp

Dinesh Garg gargdk at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 7 08:53:07 PST 2011

Hi All,
Is the following usage of formstate correct in following function in 

void FrameLoader::loadURL(const KURL& newURL, const String& referrer, const 
String& frameName, bool lockHistory, FrameLoadType newLoadType,
    PassRefPtr<Event>  event, PassRefPtr<FormState> prpFormState)
    RefPtr<FormState> formState = prpFormState;
    bool isFormSubmission = formState;
    targetFrame->loader()->loadURL(newURL, referrer, String(), lockHistory, 
newLoadType, event, formState);  <------wrong as per my understanding
     targetFrame->loader()->loadURL(newURL, referrer, String(), lockHistory, 
newLoadType, event, formState.release()); <----Should be like this

I checked the webkit trunk. There are several such instances of this in 

As per my understanding of RefPtr & PassRefPtr, we should 
call formState.release() to pass "PassRefPtr".

Thanks a lot,

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