[webkit-help] How to to interface between javascript context and webkit code

Chris Hatko chatko at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 12:47:52 PDT 2011

Hi guys,

I have a question on tying into javascript context.

Basically, my application starts a webkit webview and now I'd like my
application to be notified of the result of the execution of a javascript
function from within that view. Ideally, in this webview  I could register a
particular javascript function and every time this function runs the result
was be accessible at the webview level where I could build an api to push it
up to my application

I've been able to get this working in one direction
(app->webkit->javascript-context) using
"stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString". But now i'd like for it to be
driven by user events that occur inside the webview.

Any pointers, or examples I should look at?


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