[webkit-help] Using Windows WebKit COM object?

Russ Schnapp rls.webkit at schnapp.org
Mon Mar 22 14:28:45 PDT 2010

My client needs to incorporate an SVG-enabled web browser into their 
application, which had to run on Windows as well as MacOS X.  The 
Windows WebKit port seemed like an obvious answer...

I followed the instructions for building WebKit on Windows. Lo and 
behold, it built without a hitch, and run-safari worked fine.

Inspecting WebKit/WebKit/win/Interfaces/*, I was pleased to find a raft 
of idl files, which gave me the impression that WebKit.dll is a COM 
object, containing various interfaces that can be discovered at runtime, 
and that can be used by scripts and other programs to incorporate WK 

I'm able to run regsvr32 on WekKit.dll without any errors.


So far as I can tell, WekKit.dll isn't really recognized as a Windows 
COM object.  Using Visual Studio 2005, if I try to use the "Add Class 
from Typelib Wizard", it finds a WebKit Type Library, but lists NO 

And when googling for "WebKit Windows COM", the only relevant example I 
find is a 2-year-old rudimentary bit of exposition on blogspot.com, by a 
Japanese fellow.  His example meets my expectations for usage, but I 
find no actual, runnable examples.  I suspect he may have stopped at 
exposition and never got to implementation.

Can anyone tell me whether WebKit's Windows COM stuff actually works, 
and I'm just doing something wrong?  Is it only kinda sorta COM, and I 
will have to adapt the COMPtr wrapper examples as in 
WebKit/WebKitTools/WebKitAPITest/tests/WebViewDestruction.cpp?  And 
therefore, I won't have access to WebKit functions in, e.g., Perl 
without writing some glue code?

Frankly, I'd much prefer to be told that I'm way off base, and 
overlooking something really simple and obvious.

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