[webkit-help] emulate click

Julien Chaffraix julien.chaffraix at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 07:47:42 PST 2010


First it is always good to tell us which port of WebKit you use as
people more knowledgeable could jump in (see

> I'm developing an embedded browser with webkit, but I have problems when
> emulating the mouse click. I'm using the code posted at the end of this
> message. It works fine in all cases, except when I open a SELECT input: in
> that case it opens, but fails when I click the option I want. I suspect that
> is a problem with windows, but I don't know how to fix it.
> Is there another way of emulating the mouse click?

Have you had a look at how your port implement the EventSender? This
class is used by DumpRenderTree to do some testing that needs event
dispatching. It is located in

Hope it helps,

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