[webkit-help] Want to use WebKit to 'cut web pages in to pieces (images)'.

Przemysław Horban extremegf at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 10:33:09 PDT 2009

I'm looking for a way to decompose web pages into pieces, i.e. to tuples (x,
y, piece_image) so then I'll be able to place them in their original
positions and reconstruct the page in my application.
The rendering process in WebKit goes somewhat like this (I don't know the
HTML ---parse HTML---> DOM Tree ---process DOM tree---> Rendering Tree
---displaying---> Images in browser window
And I'm interested how to intercept data after it gets rendered but before
it's printed to the window. So if my example page has 2 divs and an image, I
would like to receive three tuples for these parts. Another way to explain,
is to say that I want the pieces that get highlighted by FireBug plugin in
Firefox, saved in image files or programmatically exposed for me in any
other way.

I have a shrewd idea that this can be done by mechanisms used in the layout
tests but I don't know where to look. There may perhaps be a better way to
do this partitioning altogether.

Could you please give me some hints and/or point me to code files I should

Grateful in advance,
Przemyslaw Horban
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