[webkit-help] Memory leak?

Zongheng Zhou zongheng.zhou at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 10:26:18 PDT 2009

Zoltan and Holger, thanks for your answers.
After some investigation, I found that the leak happens in
FontFallbackList::fontDataAt() function. This happens during building
rendering tree.

Since I am using QWebPage and QWebFrame directly without QWebView (I don't
need displaying) , I suspected that the rendering tree is not deallocated
correctly in this case. After changing the value of
Document::m_createRenderers from true to false, it looks the memory stops
growing fast. although it is still growing very slowly, but this growing is
at a much more reasonable rate (12M after loading www.cnn.com for 200

I am currently pretty happy with this. If this slow leak turns out to be
unacceptable, I guess I will try QT 4.5.2 then.

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